Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I was able to check into 2017 health insurance plans and rates for DH today. UGH!!!!! Health insurance is much more expensive in this state, plus I only have 3 insurance company choices. I was paying $353 a month for a Bronze plan for him before. Here the cheapest plan is $603 a month. I checked 2017 prices on his old plan/state and it would have went up to $418 a month (18% increase). Now I am facing an extra $250 a month - for the same CRAPPY coverage.

Seriously,  who in their right mind, thinks this Obamacare is a good thing? It boggles my mind. I'm sure the reason it's so much higher here is because this state (and especially this county) has a majority of low income/subsidized residents, so I'll be paying for their premiums in the $603 a month for DH. Just wonderful.........

I'd save over $5000 a year just not having health insurance on DH and paying the 2.5% penalty and paying office visits, prescriptions, etc out of pocket. With the huge deductible everything common (an office visit or two per year, prescriptions) all are out of pocket anyway. Of course, that doesn't protect us if he had a major health problem and that's all this $600 a month/$7200 a year is really paying for.  SO Frustrating!

I could add DH to my work health insurance, but it would cost me about $1000 a month, so I've always opted for the individual plan health insurance and shopped around every year. Pre-Obamacare I paid $272 a month for DH  AND 2 dependents!

I pray pray pray that Trump gets elected and something gets done about this. Who knows if it really will, if he does get elected, but I know for damn sure if Hillary wins, it won't.


  1. "....residents of 10 states using the federal exchange face average premium increases of 40 percent or more: Alabama (58 percent), Arizona (116 percent), Illinois (43 percent), Kansas (42 percent), Montana (44 percent), North Carolina (40 percent), Nebraska (51 percent), Oklahoma (69 percent), Pennsylvania (53 percent), and Tennessee (63 percent). In at least one state running its own exchange (Minnesota) premiums are increasing by a similar rate (56 percent)."

    When will this insanity end?

    1. it is so insane. I don't even go through the exchange to purchase (no reason, since I don't qualify for a subsidy) but when I have checked exchange full prices for insurance it was same as going direct.

  2. While I'm not on Obamacare (we have private healthcare) we pay right now $1000 a month with a $10,000 deductable. It goes up about $200 a year. Still waiting to see how much it goes up for this year. We are at almost our breaking point on health insurance premiums. But I'm scared to not have it bc I had heart surgery last year (was $150,000) & just had a partial hysterectomy on Friday of last week. Who knows how much that will cost!! I hate Obamacare it's been a disaster from the start. And anyone who could vote for Hillary after everything she's done has no morals. Sorry my opinion & I'm sticking with it!!!

    1. a $10,000 deductible, ouch! But yes, you need it for those big expensive procedures, that's why even though I'm so tempted to say screw it. I'm not getting DH health insurance, I'm still going to bite the bullet and pay for it. I have some friends who can't afford it (he is self employed) and it scares me if something were to happen to one of them.

  3. This is not going to change. Hillary is likely going to be our next president and the majority of Americans don't see anything wrong with the way our country is heading. She is not going to do anything different from Obama until we are brought into some war and then she and her cronies will lie about all of it.

    Also, I know you do not vote Democratic but I'm sick of Democrats voting for the same old and bitching about their taxes and high Obamacare premiums. Do not complain about how much you pay when you keep voting for them.

  4. https://www.google.com/amp/www.laurengreutman.com/healthcare-coverage-another-option/amp/

    1. I will check more into those. I have heard of them, but haven't done any research on how they work/cost, etc.

  5. Obamacare is in a death spiral. That means the program is unsustainable and is scheduled to collapse by the end of 2017. This is exactly how Obama planned it. Once it collapses, and the govt refuses to borrow any more money to fund it, will force the people to go on a single payer system, which is controlled 100% by the govt. Hillary is in favor of this and also supports refusing medical treatment to the elderly and new born who are extremely ill. She considers that health care coverage to be a waste of govt money. The elderly will have a cut off at age 75. Hillary doesn't consider a baby human until 3 years of age.
    Yes, despicable.
    This will change when Trump is elected. Don't believe for one second that he will not win. He will. Trump will eliminate Obamacare and knock down the state regulations that limit medical insurance sales within the state walls. Once sales are opened up country wide, companies will compete for your dollar, thus prices will be lowered and services will increase.
    Americans see many, many things wrong with our country, thus the tens of thousands that keep showing up at Trump speeches. Americans want and seek real change. Hillary will not give them this much needed change. Donald Trump, regardless of how you think about him, is still a successful businessman (again, despite what you think of him, Trump is a winner) and has the intelligence/experience to bring America back into good financial alignment.
    May God continue to bless our country.
    Vote Trump.

    1. I wish I shared your optimism that Trump will win! At times I think how can he not win, but then I see how many people just don't care that Hillary isn't ethical and all they see is "free stuff", not even knowing or caring who really has to pay for all that free stuff. The national debt alone, just blows my mind. I already mailed in my vote.. Trump! And I agree - personality wise, he's lacking, but he knows how to get things done and successfully. I would love to see how a non-politician/businessperson runs the country - it certainly can't be any worse than it has been (for both republican and democrat), right?

  6. Since DH is on disability, is it not severe enough to qualify for Medicaid?

    1. No, he was never able to get disability. The doctors (many neurologists visits)could never give him a diagnosis and Soc. Sec. denied his claim. We appealed and they denied again, saying he could work 3 hours a day.

  7. Health Insurance for perhaps $200 a month......


  8. You need to check out the post Jill sent you on Nov 1

  9. I'm late to this party (still reading your journey) but I am so thrilled there are so many like-minded readers here. Can't wait until Trump takes office!
