Friday, November 18, 2016

TGIF already

I can't believe how quickly the week goes by now. I had thought maybe it would feel the opposite  now that I am working from home 100%. Another difference I have noticed living here is I hardly ever take a nap anymore. I think I've taken like two the 6 1/2 weeks we have lived here now.

Overall our internet seems be be fairly sufficient. Coming from very high speed cable internet, I was a bit concerned about it! We now have DSL throught our telephone, but it's only like 8mbps download speed (though when the guy hooked it up and tested it he said it was showing faster, but didn't say how much). It will be the same service when we build our house on the property. Our old IT guy at work hadn't really been able to give me a definitive answer on what minimum speed I'd need to work remotely. All in all it's working fine for me. At times it's a bit slow trying to use Quickbooks remotely, but not too bad. The upload speed is pretty bad, but thankfully I don't have to do that with working remotely too often. I did have to upload a file for my side job and it failed until the 3rd try. I was getting worried for a few minutes!  Watching streaming movies and shows has worked fine too, so all good. Supposedly there is some new internet service in town that is supposed to be faster, but I checked into it and speeds are same for much more money, so I'll stick with what I have.

It got cold here last night. down in the 20's and only 27 degrees right now, mid day. No snow yet, though still predicting some next week. Looks like it will be just me and DH for Thanksgiving dinner. DD has to work Friday, so they aren't coming, and our old good neighbor was going to come, but he couldn't get out of being on call that weekend. He's always offered to be on call since he has no where to go Thankgiving, so had already been signed up for it this year. No biggie.  While I love the food, the day hasn't ever been that big of deal to me.  DH and I will still have dinner with all the trimmings. We have a movie that DD sent to us we can watch that day, too.

Looking forward to a very short work week next week - 2 1/2 days!


  1. When my late husband and I were alone for a major holiday, we usually went out to eat. There are usually a few places open.

    1. DH won't have any of that. LOL. I don't claim to be a great cook, in any sense, but he does love my Thanksgiving dinners....and the leftover turkey sandwiches.
