Saturday, November 5, 2016

Happy day

My little girl is getting all grown up, that's for sure. She turns 21 this month and she and her BF made an offer on a house that got accepted yesterday. They looked at 8 or 9 homes in the area they want to live, which is much closer to their jobs and will cut their commute time down by less than half. They found one they really liked last week (after looking at it and another one) but looked at 7 or 8 more on Wednesday and that was still the best one. It's really nice and will be a great house for them and something they can grow into over the years. It's 1700 sf, 3 bedrooms, on a decent sized lot in a good neighborhood. They are very excited to say the least. They are scheduled to close just before Christmas. Her BF works with a guy who does home inspections as a side job, so he is doing that for them this morning. I'm so proud of them.  They both work hard at their jobs and their lives to be productive and successful.

DH rented the forklift from the lumber store and spent all day yesterday getting that 53' trailer unloaded and figuring out how to fit it all in the shop and garage. True to his OCD and organizing skills, he even drew it all out on paper the night before. LOL.Most of it he's just going to leave on the pallets, so it will be pretty easy to get it all settled in their spots. Thankfully it was a sunny 60 degree day (though super cold in the morning!) to do all this. Very excited to have this trailer emptied out and up for sale soon! Recoup some of our moving expense money. Hopefully we can get out of it what we paid for it, but anything is recovered cost. I think if we had hired a mover it probably would have cost $5,000 at a very minimum to move all the stuff we moved. Probably more closer to $10,000, because all the shop stuff was a trailer load in itself, not even including our home stuff. I can't remember what we paid for the trailer. I think it was $4000 or $4500, we paid someone $1800 to haul it over here, paid to rent a 26' u-haul truck and a small u-haul trailer, plus gas. Whatever we can get back with the sale of the trailer will have us under what it would have cost to hire a company to move us.

This morning the guy was supposed to show up almost an hour ago to get started on tape and texturing our garage. No call either.  Frustrating, to say the least. DH spent a good half hour this morning moving stuff out of the garage to get this started. He's going to be pretty upset if this guy doesn't show up. At least a darn call to say he's running late would be nice.

This morning I pulled the sheets off the bed, have some laundry going, got the kitchen clean (though it wasn't that messy). I think I might make a cake today. I will probably take a trip to the store to see if they have any fresh mushrooms for my homemade pizza and pick up our mail at the post office. That will take a whole 20 minutes, LOL.


  1. Small towns are so frustrating. It is so hard to get anyone to return a phone call or actually show up to do the work. My mother has the same problem in her small town.

    1. it's definitely a different way than city life, that's for sure. DH finds it interesting how (some) folks will complain how poor this town/county is but then they don't want to hustle and take work that is offered to them.

  2. Hope all is well with you. Missed your posts...

    1. Hi T'Pol. All good - just got really busy with work last week :)
