Thursday, November 3, 2016

Still in project mode

We went into the city yesterday afternoon/early eve and got a queen mattress set. A little more than I was planning to spend, but I ended up getting a floor model that was over $900 for $449, so I'm happy. Felt super comfortable, so hopefully guests will like it. It might end up being my napping bed, haha. I already have the bedding for it, that I picked up with a Kohl's gift card I had before I moved. I do need to get a queen sized blanket though. I should be able to find something reasonably priced at Ross, Target or Walmart.

But, I don't have it here yet. DH has been storing his pick up, car trailer and our old "someday it will be a classic" car at friends big shop. He took my car to his place yesterday, left it there and brought home the trailer and old car with his pick up. Ready to store here, now, but he's not quite ready to store his pick up yet and doesn't want to leave it parked outside (especially because little 2 or 3 year old  neighbor girl is a rock thrower...gRRR....), so we took his pick up back to friends, but first went and got the mattress set. So, we just left the mattress set in the back of the pick up inside friends shop and drove my car home.  Friend might come over on Saturday, and if he does he'll bring it in his truck. If not, DH will be ready to park his pickup inside our garage later next week and we'll get it all then. I wish I could get the bed all set up now! oh well.

Winter has been holding off, so that is good. 60 and sunny for a few days. We've got someone coming Saturday to start on the tape and texturing of the attached garage. Then next week sometime we have a guy coming to finish fencing the property. Plus, he has to actually fix the existing fencing. The previous owner just did a half-assed job. When he got to a corner he just pulled it around the poles, rather that stopping, cutting, attaching to pole and then starting a new run. Plus he never put top rail on it, so needs that too. I'm sure it will look much better when it's all finished. Then we are done with our big projects for this house. We have a couple of small things to do inside the house this winter, but should be under $500. We're going to add a medicine cabinet to the master bath. The one I have picked out is $146 and matches the hickory wood vanity cabinet. DH would like a sink in the laundry room and that is $100 at Lowes. We also want to add some inexpensive cabinets up above the washer and dryer and I'm estimating less than $200.

Down the road there are a couple pieces of furniture I'd like to add. We have room in our living room for a sofa table and a book case - both of which I want for our new home, when we build it, so after we get done with the above projects, any extra money we spend will mostly be to go towards something for the new house/property. I think I will watch on Craigslist and see if anything comes up.

Here is my solution to the guest bathroom that doesn't have any linen storage. I bought this cute little stand at Walmart.  I need some nice new towels to roll up and put on the bottom shelf. I found a great priced set when I was at Ross last week, shopping for DD's birthday, I have no idea why I didn't buy it!

This way I get some place to leave some towels and it's something I can take with me to the new home. Double win.

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