Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday stuff

This morning has been spent making some phone calls. Always something to take care of, it seems.

I realized I should probably change my mailing address with my paid off mortgage and home equity loan banks, so that when they send out the year end tax statements, they go to my new address. Was on hold with one bank like 15 minutes, just to talk to someone.

Then I got an email notification that my old garbage service payment (was set up on autopay) went through....but of course it was for the full month of October, rather than just through Oct 4th. So, had to get that straightened out.

Then I tried to call the bank manager at the bank branch we went to 100 miles away 2 weeks ago to do that wire transfer. He had nicely told me he would credit me back the $35 wire transfer fee, but of course that never got done. I was just going to forget about it, but woke up this morning and decided to call and ask about it. He's not in until tomorrow.

We are going to eat at the town restaurant again tonight. We went last Tuesday and the special was a prime rib dip that DH loved. Wondering if they have the same special same day of each week...so will find out! ha. The first day we got here we ate dinner on a Monday and the special was Tomato soup and someone came in and I heard the waitress tell her the special and the lady said "oh, ya, It's Monday" so, I'm thinking maybe it's the same. Whatever....I don't have to cook tonight :)

The state electrical inspector guy is here right now checking out the wiring DH and his friend ran to the shop. Hopefully it all checks out ok. they have now just been standing outside talking for quite awhile. The insulation guy is supposed to come this weekend and do that part. Then DH can get that 53ft trailer parked on the side of our house unloaded and sold. That should give us back several thousand dollars. Hopefully he can sell it for close to what he bought it for ($4000).

Then once that is unloaded, DH will make a trip to Texas to take back the little 12 ft enclosed trailer he borrowed from a friend. Said friend moved to Texas earlier this year and left his trailer at his brother's and was going to go get it at some point and take back to TX. DH said he'd borrow it and then return it to him, so friend was happy with that. I think DH will spend a couple days down there visiting him, so that will be good for him. He and this friend always laugh and laugh about everything.

DD and her BF are moving forward in the home buying process. They got pre-approved for about $350k, but the homes they are looking at are in the $275k range. Tomorrow they are meeting with a realtor that the mortgage broker recommended. She is loving this mortgage broker, so I'm glad I was able to connect them with him.  They will probably find something they like pretty quickly (they already have found several online that they like) so I'm sure moving will be happening in the near future.

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