Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Getting settled

This morning we did the 3 hour round trip just to go to our bank, so I could do the wire transfer in person......which took a whole 10 minutes LOL. Basically it was 110 miles each way and took me the same amount of time it used to take me to do a 36 mile each way trip to work! Oh well. It's all done now, we have signed the papers for the purchase of the land and now are also property owners. That feels really good that we own that free and clear and no payments. Our payment on the house is a little over $1000, including taxes and insurance.

The (slower) internet connection here at new house is working fine and I'm having no issues with logging into the office remotely and getting my work done. That's a huge relief that it all went smoothly to set up and get logged back into work.

The trip to the closest city takes about 45 minutes, so not bad at all.  And it has every store I could need. I will just have to plan my trips well for what I need to get, since I won't be doing them that often.

DH had to go into the city yesterday for some errands, one of which being purchasing a gun safe. He's wanted/needed one for a couple of years now and we just didn't have the extra money. He was keeping them locked up before, in our old house, just not in a safe, which is better for a burglar not being able to carry out. He bought a decent one made by Liberty that he put in our huge walk in closet and now all his guns are safely kept locked up and no chance of being stolen.

Today, after we got home from our trip, he got the lawn mowed again and some weed spraying done. I got back to work. It was about 29 degrees this morning, though now it's sunny and 50.  Across the street out in front our our house is vacant, so a good place to throw the ball for the dogs...another neighbor on the other side of that vacant area does the same.  Also, there is a huge grassy area in front of the hospital, so DH takes them over there too for some exercise with the chuck-it ball thrower. Our small front yard is fenced, so that is adequate for going outside for breaks off and on during the day. We plan to fence in the whole little lot, and that will give them more room to wonder around and we'll put in a doggy door for them.

here's my living room - pretty much all together, except still need to hang pictures and want a sofa table for behind sofa

Hallway to laundry room, guest bath and 2 bedrooms - a picture will go at the end of the hallway.

I like how it's a nice wide hallway,

That's all I have so far - the rest of the rooms aren't quite all done yet...well, the kitchen is, but I just made dinner, so there are still some dirty dishes ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Best of luck to y'all!!
