Thursday, October 6, 2016

Another busy day unpacking

Today was more unpacking, but we have made quite the progress in just a little over 48 hours since we moved in. Most of the bins are unpacked and my kitchen is done. I still have several bins that was stuff in my previous built-in china hutch  but I don't have that anymore! I'm sure I'll end up leaving those dishes in the bins. Don't really need them for anything.

I had to run some errands this morning. First stop the title company to drop off an earnest money check for the land we are buying (that should close next week). Then one block over to the grocery/hardware store. Needed some things at the hardware store to hook up washer and dryer. Cutest little store. The Ace Hardware is downstairs in the basement :).....and even better they had what I needed.  Then one block over to the post office, to pick up my first mail, LOL.  Then about 10 blocks home :)

I even got about an hour nap in this afternoon and then I got up and made a batch of brownies. Dinner was a real dinner for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Steak.  Then in the afternoon some fluorescent bulbs in the laundry went out (so many bulbs out in this house!). After dinner I ran back to the hardware store, but they didn't have any of the 2' size we need.

So, since we are mostly unpacked now, I'll make a trip into the big city that is about 50 minute or so drive. I can stock up on all the stuff we need and figure out where stores like Walmart, Target and Home Depot are. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but need to make a list. There are quite a few little things we need/want.

Tomorrow afternoon we get satellite tv hooked up. YAY! I have missed tv in the evenings. I'm going with Dish. I compared it to Direct TV (we had that at our old house before we switched to cable). The pricing is guaranteed for 2 years, instead of 1. I went ahead and got the package with the most channels. We enjoyed having Starz and Encore movies with our old cable and that was the package that had those channels. Plus will get HBO and Showtime free for 3 months.


  1. We moved in a year ago in June and we were unpacked like you guys so quickly! Everyone was so shocked but honestly we were so excited we didn't want to wait to unpack a thing. So fun to set up. And your little town sounds fantastic to live in. We also live in a small down. No movie theater, no big malls.. its nice.
    Have fun! And congrats again!
