Thursday, October 13, 2016

Crossing off the to-do list items

Today we got transferring our driver's licenses and vehicle titles/registrations crossed off our list. And we transferred our voter registration. I was almost hoping it was too late and I wouldn't even have to vote on this election - LOL!  All this done in the same county building (right in our small town), so pretty easy and not much wait time at all. Though It did cost me $600 for 2 driver's licenses and 2 car titles/registrations. DH's truck (being over 11 years old) we were able to permanently license for like $300 - or it was like $81 a year, so we went with permanent. My car cost $192 for the year - that's about double what I paid before, but gas is also about .30 cents a gallon cheaper here

I also called our phone company because I just realized we don't have voicemail. I didn't even know if it comes with the phone service or if I'd have to go the old fashioned route and buy an answering machine. It has voicemail and I have that set up now.

Then I called Dish. When I ordered online last week the package I ordered said it came with 3 months free HBO and Showtime. I had those channels for a few days and now they are gone. The cs rep tried to tell me that it was just a "free preview weekend", which is why I was able to access. Then she looked up some more and found the "new customer" 3 free months offer.  I also asked about "on demand" which it is also supposed to have, but that sounds like a total pain to figure out how to do. I have to somehow hook up to internet, attach an external hard drive, then activate it with them for a one time $40 set up fee. Hmm.....not exactly easy and I have no idea how to even connect the receiver box to our internet.  I didn't get the dvr type of box, because I assumed I'd have on demand. Now, I'm wishing I had gotten that type. I used to watch most of my shows on Demand when I had cable because I'd forget when they were on or DH would be watching something else at the time. Kinda bummed.

My husband sent my boss flowers today! I didn't even know he did it. He wanted to thank her for letting me work remotely and keep my wonderful job with our out of state move. Very sweet of him.

Here's a weird thing - it's an hour later time zone than we used to be in. Before, every time we'd call someone over here in the evening half the time it would be like 8:30 here and they'd be in bed already.  I used to go to bed around 9:30 (sometimes 9, sometimes 10). By 7:30 or 8, here, I am ready for bed! DH usually stays up until 11 or midnight and he's been going to bed way earlier too. What's in the air over here? LOL. I get up at my usual 7-ish time, but am ready to go to bed so much earlier.

I made my first Amazon order since moving. I was told by the post office to enter my ship to address as my physical address followed by #(po box number), all on same line. Amazon didn't like that as my new shipping address. Tried just the street address and that didn't work either.  Than I just tried PO Box# on first line, and then physical address on 2nd line and that got accepted. Hopefully I get my order ;)  just a couple of 2' LEB bulbs that we can't find at home improvement stores.

Tomorrow is my half day Friday work day. I'm heading back to the city to do another big load of shopping. I really need to get my grocery shopping figured out. I've tried the steak and chicken breasts sold at the small grocery store here in town and not impressed. The hamburger meat was fine (and good price too). I used to buy my steaks and chicken at Walmart, so plan to just bring a cooler with me and get my cold/frozen stuff home that way. Plus I need to plan ahead and stock up and I'm not used to doing that yet. I'm used to weekly shopping. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it at some point.


  1. Sounds like everything is coming alone well. Do you get a lot of snow or ice at your new place? If so, stock up so you have everything you need, who knows if the roads will be good. You and your dh need some normal after your selling of your old home. Cheryl

    1. we will get snow, but probably not for a bit yet. It'll all be new to me! Yes, we are enjoying this normalness, that's for sure. I'm working on my "stock up" list. At least the grocery store here in town is close by and flat roads to get there. DH has no problems driving in snow, since he grew up here.

  2. Well of course I don't know you but I feel such a sense of relief for you both! Your place looks nice already, great for trying to reset yourselves in after all the stress. Maybe now without your commute headache longer-ish drives for things won't seem so bad, maybe a little fun even.
    And treat yourself to Longmire! I need to finish watching that show myself.
    Anon in Massachusetts

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I am going to get signed back up for Netflix now :) I wanted to make sure our internet speed was good enough to watch shows and it is, so Longmire will be watched soon!

  3. How is life without the druggies? I am so glad you are out of that neighborhood. With your active involvement in trying to get rid of them, I always thought you were in some kind of danger.

    It is very nice of your husband to send flowers to your boss.

    1. Life is so much nicer without the druggies! Like night and day, really. We actually leave the house now and don't even worry. I notice people even leave their cars unlocked in the parking lots. LOL. Our old "good neighbor" texted DH the other day and said the new owner is hardly ever home, so he doesn't see her much. I figured that would be the case with her. She works and then is busy/active out doing stuff almost every evening/weekends. She won't even notice if there is stuff going on around there.
