Saturday, January 9, 2016

Why I like dogs better than most people

So, I spent about 4 hours at the annual step family get together. About 2 hours longer than I wanted to. My oldest step brother and his wife were there. Have not seen them in YEARS. They have always lived out of the country or in another state. Now they are both retired and moved back to this area. I was quickly reminded what a snob his wife is. O.M.G.

We were all sitting around eating and chatting and my step brother says how he wants to get a dog, but wife won't let him. She says "NO dog. I don't want my house smelling like a dog. So and so has 2 big dogs and their house stinks like dogs and there is dog hair all over their furniture. No way."  It was everything I could do to just bite my tongue and say "well, then I guess you wouldn't like coming over to my house then". 

Then she was apparently talking about the people that bought their house they just moved from.
"She (the new owner) is a homeschooler (said with total disdain). It's just weird to me."
My step brother says "well the area school district is terrible" and wife says "well everyone from our neighborhood sends their kids to private schools" and step brother says "well, private schools are terribly expensive" and she says "well he has a job with such and such company, I'm sure he can afford a private school".

Gag. Puke.  And then I had to listen to her say if Trump or Cruze get voted in she's moving out of the country (because she is a member of the liberal media) and my snobby cousin says if that happens she's quitting her job (because she works for the government).  God I hope a republican gets voted in. I'd go to next years party just for that reason. LOL.

I was more than happy to come home to my stinky dog smelling dog hair on the furniture house. Where my dog got up on the couch next to me to give me a doggy hug, looked in my eyes, kissed my nose and then burped in my face!


  1. The only person I know who can keep a house not smelling like a dog is my mom because she is a clean freak. I actually agree with the wife sadly. I have a cat right now (my husband's previous to us getting together) and I HATE the cat hair and cat litter but I also hate cleaning. I have told him this will be his last animal especially since I am allergic to them. I do think she could have had more tact in her comment like saying gross no way because I refuse to clean up that often to avoid dog smell/hair.

    1. I used to feel the same way. We've always had a dog, but the 2 previous had a dog house and kennel run and only got to come and sleep in the laundry room when it was really cold out. I didn't want the mess,etc. But I would never have been rude about others having that. When we decided to get our yellow lab mix 8 years ago, I said only if it is a house dog and part of the family. I knew those previous dogs missed out on alot of love being outside so much. Best decision I ever made! Now we have two. The more the merrier :)

  2. I have a dog and my home is immaculate. It's called: cleaning. I vacumn every day. Brush my dog. Wash her bedding often. And when it's bath time, she gets a bath in my jacuzzi!
    Next time your SIL exclaims "What about the smell?" Tell her, "if the dog got used to it. She'll get used to it!"
    She'll figure out what that means. LOL!
    Loved your post. Good one!

    1. LOL! I can just imagine the look I'd get if I had said that. Haha. I'll admit I'm not the most immaculate house keeper but I really don't care if someone doesn't like my house or my dogs in them. The dog hair is a good trade off for all the love and happiness they give us.

  3. Well, she is rude. That said, I can smell a dog in any house and it does bother me. I would rather smell strong garlic cooking or ethic cooking. I actually feel that way around some perfumes too. Smells just really get to me.

    I'm with you. I want a Republican in office. I like Chris Christie best but it doesn't look like he has a shot.

    1. I have lots of opinions too, but have the decency to keep rude ones to myself :) She's always been like that, and since I've only had to see her once every 5 or 10 years (haha) it's been bearable. I couldn't imagine having to be around her on a regular basis all these years. LOL.

  4. OMG - she sounds perfectly awful! You have far more patience and self-control, because no way would I have been capable of sitting and chatting with her through all that. We have adopted 3 cats, but since DH and I are both allergic, they stay outside 99.9% of the time. Fortunately they seem to prefer it that way as well.

    1. it was hard to sit there, especially because I was not in the mood to be there in the first place. My one step sister seemed good about trying to steer conversations toward new topics. Unfortunately the snobby one had an opinion about it all. haha.

      My DH does not like cats and has a bit of an allergy to them, but he puts up with our cat. He's always been mostly an outdoor cat but now in his old age he prefers indoors 90% of the time. I just vacuum more.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well I guess the positive side of your SIL is that she sounds like perfect comic material for a good stand-up (just like George W - I guess the comedians really missed him). I am really toying with the idea of getting a dog when I retire BUUUUUT I have to say I also hate the smell of dog in the house. My ex and a friend had a dog and EVERYTHING smells of it. I am really curious to hear those who say that the can keep the smell out - I mean that genuinely - because I would not want to house my dog outside and would be willing to put the time in to groom/vacuum etc. And yes I do love dogs of course. It's a real dilemma for me. That being said, although you had a dreadful time, your description of your SIL reminds me of the (fabulous) Dame Edna Everage. Anna

    1. LOL. I think having a small dog would probably be less smelly? Also, I probably wouldn't have even mentioned my SIL, if she hadn't just kept on with various snobbery comments. I think the homeschooler one was more offensive to me. I could never homeschool (just not that patient) but what the heck is wrong if someone else does? Geez.

    2. I suppose to be fair to the dogs I mentioned in my previous post, neither my ex nor my friend take their dogs out - my friend NEVER takes her dogs out, so I guess it is no surprise that the house stinks, as do their furniture and clothes, etc. It's also damn cruel. And as for me getting a SMALL dog - what the heck would I do with a Chihuahua in the mountains? Naah, I'm thinking a springer spaniel or border collie. Aaaaah, I'm talking myself into it.

    3. You mean never takes her dog out to potty? Yuck! Our dogs go Ina no out all day and dh walks our property daily to scoop poop and keep the lawn clean. I vote border collie. We had one for 14 years. He was the sweetest dog 😊

    4. In and out. Sorry for typo. Trying to type on phone

  7. Perhaps it is better that the woman in question doesn't get a dog, because it doesn't sound like she is prepared to treat one like anything other than a nuisance. Yes, they need baths and a good diet because they can smell, but taking care of that isn't a chore when the dog is treated like one of the family.

    Kelley @ The Whole Hound
