Saturday, January 9, 2016

I just want a debit card

This week went by so fast. I was pretty swamped at work - with 2 weeks of paperwork to get caught up on.  Yesterday was my half day Friday and I was glad of that.  I went and filled up my car with gas (with a .30 discount from store points), went inside the store to the bank, and then got a few PowerBall lottery tickets (from the $11 I won on the drawing before), then did the weekly grocery shopping.

I went to the bank because I was pretty mad.  We have always had only one debit card, in my name, for our checking account. DH wanted to have his own, so I called up to order one. We both own this account. They need to talk to him to verify. Ok, whatever. I hand him the phone and they ask the account #......which of course he has to in turn ask me what it is. Then her (from India) next question is do you have a statement in front of you? DH asks me and I say No, I do it all online, so I start to log in.  Then her next question is "what date did you open your account?"  I just sat there with my mouth agape! I have had this same account for about 35 years. How in the hell would I know what date it was opened? I took the phone from him because by then he was quickly agitated. Is this info supposed to be on my statement or something? is that why you asked if we had a statement? She says yes, and I say I'm not seeing anything, where would this info be?  She then informs me that since we can't answer this security question they will be unable to issue a debit card at this time. I asked to speak to her supervisor, so Jason (aka Abu) comes on the line and tells me the same thing.  I hung up on him.

I drove straight over the the bank and asked for the manager.  If I had to jump through any more hoops to get this stupid debit card on an account I OWN, I was going to just close my account. The manager is a very nice young man I have dealt with before (when we opened my daughter's Roth IRA) and he quickly said he'd take care of it (I didn't tell him I would close the account), he gave me his card and said he needed to talk to DH on the phone, just to ask him a couple of questions to verify his identity and then he could get the card ordered. I don't know why I just didn't take my cell phone out right then, call home and then have him ask DH the questions. I waited until after I got back home (from grocery shopping) and then called the bank. He was with another customer and would have to call me back.......Only he never did. So, still without a new debit card ordered at this time. Ridiculous.

After that I went to look for some gifts for my nieces (all teenagers now). We are having a late family holiday get together (as always) and I just remembered I still need to get them Christmas gifts. Before Christmas DD had found some super cute knitted head bands for 75% off and I had hoped they still might have some in stock. All that stuff was now 80% off, but no cute headbands left, but tons of cute scarves. I picked up 3 different scarves.  Total for all 3? $12!! I was originally going to spend more than that for each of them. Very happy to have come out without having to spend much of anything.

This afternoon is the get together at my mom's. I really do not want to go at all. DD can't come, she isn't planning on a trip home from college again until the end of the month. I see these family members (step brothers and sister and spouses and a cousin and her family) once a year. I really am  not in the mood to make small talk. But I will go. I really have nothing in common with them. I don't drink. I'm not into football. I don't get to talk about the great vacations I took the past year. Blah blah blah. Maybe it will be my last year of it - haha - maybe next year I'll be living out of state ;)

Then I spent the later part of the afternoon just doing this and that and got on Facebook to see some old high school pictures an old friend had posted of a group of us girls. Oh the memories that brought up! We were commenting back and forth and then one of them said we have to talk, so she did a conference call and 3 of us talked for about an hour. OMG - we laughed so much. It was such fun. One of the ladies I have not seen or talked to in probably 30 years. We are making plans for the 5 of us to get together for a girls "sleep over" night together at a hotel or somewhere.

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