Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I'm just awesome

I received my email from my boss with my annual "self-review" attachment.  I'm working on that right now, so I can get that to her today.  I'm trying to be a bit creative, where my goals for this year and solutions kind of fit in with being able to work remotely, when we move out of state. How's that for a bit sneaky? I'm honestly tempted to just discuss this with her during my review? I'm not sure if that is the right time to tell her about my plans, or wait just a bit and then hit her with it. I'm terrible about using my instincts or intuition on situations like these. I always second guess myself and don't have a lot of confidence in myself. I honestly have no idea if they would let me work remotely or not. If I had to guess, I'd say it's about 50/50 chance.

One thing I did this past year, which I have found extemely helpful in filling out this years self review is I kept a little word document of my "accomplishments" the past year. Honestly, I really forget them by the time a year, or close to it, has passed. To me, they are just part of the job and I don't spend too much time thinking "hey...look at what I did! I'm awesome!" LOL.  But I jotted a few notes to myself throughout the past year on things I think were "accomplishment" worthy and it has been much easier to review myself.  One was something I discovered last spring, that saves us in taxes.  I totally would have forgotten about it by now, if I hadn't written it down.  I still need to come up with a good solution for the issue that my time is being swallowed up by 2 other departments and all their paperwork, as they have really expanded their work this past year.

This morning I had my monthly-ish chiropractor appointment. Much needed since I painted this office/bedroom a couple of weeks ago. My neck/shoulder/back was a mess after that. And now I get to do it again this weekend! We have a 3 day weekend and I am going to use that extra gallon of paint to do the dining room. It shouldn't be quite as much time as the bedroom. There isn't really much wall space on the 3 walls. One has 2 windows. One has 2 etched type windows that look into our family room and the 3rd wall is mostly all a built in china cabinet.  The only real hard part to paint will be the wall space above the built in hutch - it's high up, as it's a vaulted ceiling.

That's about all I've got. I think I've been feeling like my life is on a "wait and see" path.


  1. well we all knew how awesome you are...LOL I have just been catching up with your blog. Finally did a blog post today.

    1. I saw you did an update! I've been missing your blog post :) Congrats on the new grandbabies on the way!!

  2. Cutting around windows and doors take more time than just a wall. Save the remote working idea for after the review.

    1. Very true! at least there are only 3 walls, as what would be the 4th is just open to the kitchen. I think I will stick with my plan to wait and discuss the remote working idea until after review. That was my initial instinct on how to handle it and should probably go with that.

  3. Hello One Family - I'm a new reader, and I love your blog. Regarding the working remote idea, I am in agreement with Linda - save the remote idea for after the review.

    1. Thanks so much for the nice words and taking the time to comment! After the review, it is then!
