Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Crappy days

What a stressful 4 days or so it has been. All for something that could be fixed in a matter of minutes. My computer smart son has a website for someone else under his hosting account (that he had set up for his own website years ago). Several years ago he set up this groups website and domain registration under his account. Well guess who apparently hasn't paid his annual hosting bill? The website (along with my son's own website) is down and of course no one has anyway to access the account and pay it and get it up and running again.

The only contact info we currently have for son is his email address he has always used. Last February the site went down and so I emailed him and within an hour he emailed back that it was fixed (I now know it was because Feb is when that websites domain fee is due). So, this time I figured I'd email him, he'd get the email and address the issue. No response.

We have absolutely no way to get a hold of him. He put his Facebook page back on a few months ago, (even though he has us blocked) but apparently took it down again right before this happened. We have no current phone number for him. I have done google searches, hoping his name or phone number might pop up somewhere. I tried LinkedIn. I got online with the web hosting company to see if there was any way I could pay the bill. They won't do anything since I don't have the log in info. I sent DS another email telling him to just give me the log in info and I'll take care of paying it.

We were able to get the phone number of the guy he was living with/working odd jobs for when he first started living there. He hasn't seen him in months. Doesn't have a phone number for him anymore. I know his two sons are friends with my son and asked if he would check with them to get the message to DS. "oh ya, I can try. I don't think my sons see him much - they've got their own things they are doing". He said last he heard he was living in a nearby (to him) town with a girl.   Well, most likely one of his sons certainly has his phone number or knows how to get a hold of him. I tried sending facebook messages to these 2 sons and another, asking them to get DS a message but since we are not friends on FB, my messages just go into that "other" inbox, which anybody rarely sees or gets notified there is a message.

Then a guy who is friends with my DH on Facebook said he is facebook friends with one of this guys sons, so he sent this kid a message and the kid then sent my DH a friend request, so DH accepted and chatted with him a bit and kid gave us his own Ph#. So I called this kid and explained that we needed to get ahold of DS right away. This group really needs their website up and running. He said he hadn't seen him in about a month and doesn't have his phone number anymore because he (the kid I was talking to) just got a new phone and lost his contacts (of course). He said he'd get back to me. I waited 24 hours and no call back so called him again. He said ya, I tried to send him a FB message but I couldn't find him on FB. I said yes, that's because he took his page down again. Then he said he was heading over to a friends soon that he knows has DS's number and would get it from him. Of course no call back. He also then said that he knew DS was back in their town working a "tech job" for the past few months.

How fricken hard would it have been for him to hang up from me, text that friend and say "hey, I need XX's phone number". He could have taken care of it in 1 minute.  That's because all the people my son associates with are freaking low life scum. That's why.

Yesterday  morning I called the hosting company because I read on their billing page that payment could also be made with check or money order. I asked them to please just give me the amount that is owed on the account and I will overnight a check. Nope. they won't give me any info.

DH called several computer repair type companies in that city (a typical job ds would have) to see if they had him working there. No luck. Then he called the sheriff over there. Said we have not seen or heard from our son in a year. He's never been the type to be in trouble, but we are worried about him. They said since he's an adult they can only go try and do a "welfare check" at the 2 addresses they have for him (why does the police have his addresses? I'm hoping it's just from maybe his driver's license in that state? but he's only been there a year and he's so  lazy I doubt he'd even change is license, unless his was expired). Less than an hour later the sheriff called DH back and said that both males at the addresses said they have not seen DS in a long time. Of course. It was nice of them to check and call back.

DS messaged with a guy who son was friends with in Australia. DH had stayed with him when he went 3 years ago. He said, ya he got a message from DS about a month ago. He wanted to know if he and a couple of his friends came down to Australia could they stay with him? This guy (smartly) told DS that I never hear from you anymore and now you want me to give you free room and board?

We are out of ideas on how to find him. I know damn well this kid or one of his many friends knows how to get ahold of DS. They are all worthless, just as my DS has become.

This is all so stupid an irresponsible. If he doesn't have the money, or the desire to continue hosting this, then all he had to do - at a minimum - was contact the guy, who is the club president, and let him know, so arrangements could be made to keep the website running. Now the club has lost it's website and it's quite an extensive one. It's updated regularly and also contains a lot of the clubs history. All's he would have to do it just email me the log in info and I could have it paid in minutes. I don't even know now, if he uses that email address anymore, so maybe he isn't seeing my emails, but I'm sure those "friends" by now have let him know we are trying to contact him.

It's all so disheartening on so many levels.


  1. Does your mom have his contact info? I seem to remember he was still calling her at some point in the past.

    I know it's frustrating but maybe you need to just let the club president handle
    dealing with this and your son from now on?

    1. She says she hasn't talked to him since last spring and the phone number he had then is no good anymore

  2. Kids! Can't help lovin em. Because you can't kill em.

    1. It's been tough to feel the love the past couple of years, that's for sure

  3. On a good note Facebook is getting rid of the "other" mailbox

    1. That is good! Or at least if someone sends a message that goes there they should get a notification. Dumb

  4. I have a question, what does it matter if the bill is paid? If the site belongs to your son and he doesn't seem to care, let the site expire unless I am really dumb and don't understand why you are upset. Cheryl

    1. Not dumb- sorry I didn't explain it better. This particular website and domain name belong to this group we have been a part of since our kids were little. Several years ago they wanted a better website and DS offered to do it and to make things easier he transferred their domain and the hosting of the website to the hosting account he has set up. He has a type of web hosting account where he can have like hundreds of websites, if he wanted.

      He has not paid the bill for his website hosting account, so now the group as lost access to their website. they can't get on their website and make updates, etc. The website is shut down, because of the unpaid bill by my son and without his release of him hosting it, there is no way to get it back. If you try to look at the website it's just an error message now. Unless he mans up and does the responsible thing the website is lost - all their info, pictures from years and years of history for the group is gone. I am so upset because the group should not have to deal with something like this, when it's a 2 minute fix to either pay the bill or give us the log in info, so we can get it paid and up and running again. I am upset that my son has so little regard for others that he couldn't have sent the club president an email saying "hey, I don't want to host this anymore, here's the info so you can keep the website going". I hope that explains it better.

    2. I would be very upset too. I didn't realize the site was a group of people not your son. That is very nice of you to pay the bill if your son gives you the info.
