Thursday, November 5, 2015


OMG! The stars lined up right this morning. My boss sent me an email that I was welcome to work from home today, so of course I take her up on it.  Awhile later the phone rings. I see on caller ID it's an 800 number, so know it's going to be "spam". I answer and was just going to hang right back up like I usually do, but for some reason I let the recording start talking.

"This is Host Gator. The websites you have are currently suspended and will be permanently terminated in 48 hours unless the account is paid. Press 1 to pay". So, I eagerly press 1 and seconds later get disconnected. WAHHHHHH! Then I got the number off caller ID and called it back and the guy who answered said the credit card# on file is no longer active, would I like to pay? OH YES - would I?!!  I gave him my debit card # and got this paid. 15 minutes later the website was up and running again. This account was set up years ago and apparently DS used our home ph# for the account info. Thank goodness. Thank goodness I was home to answer the phone and decided to listen to the recording.

He gave me the 2 email address they have on file for this account. The primary email address I am familiar with but don't think my son has used in a very long time. The other I didn't recognize, so I am hoping that is a current email for him and sent him an email to it. I asked the customer service guy if there was any way my email address could be put on the account so that I get the notifications regarding payments due and he said he would add it and would email me info on how to log into the portal and change it to be the primary email address for the account. He did, but unfortunately I still can't change it because I don't know DS's log in password and I don't know his email log in (of course) in order to retrieve the password reset email.

I have emailed the customer service guy back, explaining my situation, asking if there is anyway to change it to my email address. If not, will the credit card# I  gave at least go on file as the new card and automatically be charged when there is billing due. That would at least help.

I AM SO DARNED RELIEVED! DH and I have been stressing over this so badly the past week. If I can now get my email changed as the primary, then I can completely get this out of DS's unworthy hand. After that there would really be nothing we ever have to try and contact him about again. We have "written off" what he owes us, so no contact need (or has been tried) about that issue.


  1. I am so happy for you to get this sorted out. You know, I think your son is "sewing his wild oats",, living free and wild for a bit, in a manner of speaking. I hope for you (and especially for him) that he will come round and realize that sewing the wild oats stinks eventually. I'm sure he will, but in the meantime, I'm so happy for you. Anna

    1. Thanks you. I hope that is all it is, but everyone's hunch/fear/whatever you want to call it is that he's gotten involved with drugs. I pray that is not the case.

  2. Oh I am so happy for you that you were able to get this burden off of your mind! It's always so satisfying to get a a difficult problem solved.

  3. The customer service guy called me back and said he understood my situation without being able to get ahold of DS but he tried to go to bat for me and get his supervisor to let him change the primary email address to mine but that was veto'd since it is his account. But he was able to add my credit card as the active account on file and also set the account up to "auto" renew to my credit card, so that should take care of the problem. The domain registration is due in Jan/Feb so I then went ahead and had him charge that to me now too - just to be safe. I paid $45 for 3 years on the domain. I wasn't planning to dole out a total of $200 today, but it is and at least resolved for the time being.

  4. Glad that worry is off your mind. That was very nice of you to pay, can the group that use the website now pay those bills? Cheryl

    1. Yes, they can reimburse me, though I am going to pay the late fee.

  5. Can the website be moved to another domain and relieve you of this headache completely? I am not that familiar with the process, but we had a similar problem years ago (at my office no less!) and our IT folks took care of it, but it took DAYS to get things done.

  6. Can the website be moved to another domain and relieve you of this headache completely? I am not that familiar with the process, but we had a similar problem years ago (at my office no less!) and our IT folks took care of it, but it took DAYS to get things done.

    1. That's the hard part I am still trying to figure out. As of now - no, there is no way to get it out of DS's account and moved to another one, owned by us or someone else in the group, unless DS can give the web hosting company authorization to take it out of his name.

  7. I am glad you have this resolved! I'm sorry about your son and hope he gets his act together soon.

    1. Thank you. We hope so too, for his sake, at this point.

  8. It truly sucks when one's kids veer off the deep end and there is no going back for them until years later perhaps they grow up. We have 1 just like this so I understand and feel for you. Just know, you have done everything you possibly can and he needs to take responsibility for his own actions. Maybe then you can have a relationship with him.
