Monday, November 9, 2015

Ready for the week

I learned how to make candles! It was such a fun day. My friend is this outgoing bubbly personality that you just can't help but be happy around. And she is so crafty! There was supposed to be 8 of us, but only 4 of us showed up, but I think that was the perfect amount. I made 6 soy candles in 3 different scents. We mixed scents together (as some of the scents she didn't have enough to make a whole batch of 6 candles). I made Amaretto/Vanilla, Tropical/Coconut, and a Gingerbread/Vanilla. I haven't even tried lighting one yet and my house smells good :)  DD would enjoy this craft. We will have to give it a try.

Friend lives right downtown in the city. She and her DH are empty nesters now and decided to give city living a try. It's a beautiful 2 bedroom condo in an old building with a great view. I actually had no problem finding it and there was plenty of parking out on the street, so that was nice. I felt all fancy having to ring her apartment number and announce myself at the intercom, LOL.  With just the 4 of us and her, it was nice and easy to chat with each other. She had a friend there who is a lot like her and does amazing decorating and re-does furniture. I have seen some of her pictures and between her and my friend, I have serious decorating envy!

This will be a short work week for me. I have a day off mid week and then Friday is my half day. DD will be home later tonight for the rest of the week, which will be nice. Again, I probably won't see her much, but a little is better than nothin' :)


  1. Yay for having Veteran's Day off!!!

  2. Actually we don't get Veterans Day off as a paid holiday. Wish we did!

  3. I get vet day off, the i took vaca day thurs and i have frid off! 5 days off!

    1. That's what I should've done! Bit I am taking off the Wednesday before thanksgiving and 2 weeks at Christmas
