Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ho hum week

Halfway through Wednesday already and I don't really have much of anything exciting to post. It would mostly be downer/complaining and I'm tired of that LOL. I'm working from home today listening to DH have a major whine-fest (since last night) about how crappy his life is, along with making me feel like crap because he can't buy a $450k house.

When I'm off work this afternoon/evening I need to do some cooking/baking. I need to make some peanut butter cookies for DH's friend.  And I need to make my macaroni and cheese dish to take to a potluck lunch at work tomorrow. I may end up holding off on the cookies. I think DH will be seeing friend another day soon, besides seeing him tomorrow, when he does some more work on the trailer.

DD is coming home for the weekend, but I'm not holding my breath that we'll spend much time together. I'm sure she will be with her BF for most of it.

At this time refinancing our mortgage and heloc is a no-go. First I checked with the bank that holds our mortgage and they said they are not financing manufactured homes at this time. Then I checked with the bank that has our heloc. They will do mfg. homes, but only at 65% LTV for a conventional loan. With our current loan amount we'd need, we would have to have our home appraise at $270k and I doubt that would happen. He also then gave me info on an FHA loan, but that would add $3100 to the principal of our mortgage for mortgage insurance, in addition to an extra $65 a month for this insurance.....needed for 11 years of the 15 year mortgage.  That's another $8580 added to our overall cost. No thanks. But, I really liked this guy - we only communicated via email but he was so on the ball and quick to respond and kept checking back with me after I told him I was going to try a broker.

Then I contacted a mortgage broker that specializes in mfg. home loans. I was very specific in asking if there were any conventional loans available that would be in the 70-75% LTV range and that I wasn't interested in an FHA loan. After 2 attempts to get info from her, she tells me they do have lenders, she just wasn't sure if our credit score would pass, but I said let's try and apply anyway. So, I fill out another application and supply information. Then she comes back and says sorry, but she was wrong and apparently even though we do not want any actual "cash out" to refinance paying off a mortgage and heloc is still considered a "cash out" type of loan and they all require 65% LTV for mfg homes...but we can get an FHA her closing costs were almost $4,000 higher than the bank I was talking to! No thanks again.  I'll revisit this all again next spring and see where we are at. We will need less of a loan by then, as well as it will probably appraise a little more by then and we'll be in the 65% threshold and can do a conventional refi. I will definitely be going with the guy from the bank, when we are ready to do this. He was great at customer service (rare in this day and age) and his costs were very low.

I needed to refill the thyroid medicine for the cat. The pharmacy had told me they would need a couple days notice so they can make up the compound, so I tried to time it all with the vet visit and test results to know if cat was staying on same dosage and get it before he ran out. Once I knew that, I called to get the refill. When I was in the first visit and got a 30 day supply she had told me if I got a 90 day supply it would be a lot cheaper, but needed to wait for the first month and make sure the dosage would work. So, I paid $42 for the 30 day supply last month and now planned to get the 90 day supply. But the lady on the phone tells me that even though there were still 3 months left of refills, the vet had called it in as monthly and she'd need a different prescription for 90 day. I sighed and said fine, but inside I was saying good grief! It's a Cat!

Well, they apparently decided it could be filled all at once. So, I only had to pay $65 for 3 months - half the cost per month of getting it monthly. I was really happy it got filled that way and I saved some bucks.

Did I mention I bought a $10 bra at Walmart a few weeks ago? Most comfortable bra I've ever had. LOL. We'll see how long it hold up.

1 comment:

  1. That's sux about the refi but you are so smart not to tack $$$ on that mortgage!

    We had a potluck and I made velveta queso with ground beef, it was a hit.

    450k I a lot of house!!! Also love the Walmart find! I love finding cheap things I love!
