Sunday, December 28, 2014

Well, I tried

Pinterest Fail!

My favorite coffee creamer with my morning (and only) cup of joe is Coffee Mate French Vanilla liquid coffee creamer. I've seen a couple of pins/recipes of making your own creamer that supposedly tastes just like it. So, I had a can of sweetened condensed milk left over (because decided I needed a pumpkin pie like I needed a hole in the head) and decided to give it a try. I had just finished my container of the real stuff the day before and had cleaned it out and all ready for my homemade version.'s not the same, darn! Not really at all. It wasn't terrible, but nothing special. I was going to use it up anyway and woke up to make my cup of coffee this morning and decided to use the good stuff and just throw out the fake version. I figure hey, I only drink one cup a day. It's one of my favorite times of the day and I deserve it to taste like I really like it! So, I poured the $1 or so homemade version down the drain.

At least I gave it a try and didn't lose much in the process. It might have been wonderful, you just never know.  If I can't have my Starbucks white chocolate mocha every day (more like twice a month, haha) I at least want my cup to taste like my 2nd choice.

What have been  your Pinterest fails - or successes?

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