Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Got woke up at 5:40 this morning to such a loud BOOM! I thought some neighbor's house had just exploded or something.  Well, close enough! The drug raid on the house behind us had just started. Police lights everywhere. We could hear police dogs barking and then over a loud speaker someone kept repeating "This is the County Sherrif. We have a search warrant. Come outside the house. We have a search warrant".


It's been over a year, but one of the drug dealing houses finally busted. We don't know what quantities they were able to discover but according to county jail records online both "boys" (I call them that even though they are mid to late 20's now) were arrested. The older one with 3 charges: Unlawful delivery of a controlled substance, felon possessing a firearm, and felony domestic violence court order violation. (we didn't even know he was staying there again, the police had told us awhile back his mom put a no contact order on him). The other brother got charged with possession of meth and drug paraphernalia.  The older one already has a felony record. The other one has a police record too, but I'm not sure if it's felony related. I SOOO was wishing the mom would get arrested too. It's her house and she knows full well what has been going on all these years.  She's just as guilty in my book.

There were actually 2 booms and apparently they are called "flash bangs" that the SWAT guys use right before they go in to disorient people. Even over the few hours the police were at the house people were still driving down the street to buy their drugs! They'd see all the police cars and back out down the street. Fifteen minutes after it all started (so it wasn't even 6am yet) someone comes down our street in a mini-van and gets those scumbag neighbor kids out of their house and leaves (their dad had already left for work). They probably thought they were going to be next.

I hope those boys are in jail for a long time, since this is a repeat offense. I know the justice system isn't in our favor for that to happen, but at least for now they are both in jail. It will be interesting to see what happens with the drug dealers at the end of our street. They are either going to be scared and back off or look at it as more opportunity to pick up all the drug buyers from the other place that now need a place to buy.

The week before Christmas the good deputy, who is now back in our area, got busy one night and made some arrests of cars coming from this house. Meth, heroin, stolen handgun, prescription pills...Said two of them squawked like parrots of who/where they got the drugs. Then last Monday the undercover narcotics detective called us and told us they got the warrant and would be doing the bust sometime soon. 

Our good neighbor just pulled in from work, honking his horn as he went by in celebration :-)


  1. Oh my goodness - I have been waiting for his day for so long and i don't even live close to it! I hope this closes it for good.

    1. Thanks! we have waited a long time, that's for sure.

  2. Thank goodness! It takes so long to have probable cause but it sounds like they have a good case against them.

    1. We are hoping so, too. Unfortunately the justice system seems to be more in their favor than the people they affect. Both already have felony convictions on their records, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that this repeat performance keeps them in for a lot longer this time.

  3. I hope this gives y'all some relief from this situation....

  4. It was definitely a quiet place around here yesterday and last night. Now we just have to wait and see what these drug dealing scums that live on our road will do now. DH talked to the deputy (who got the arrests so they could get the search warrant) last night and he said they told the parents this is their last "warning". This is the 2nd bust (already happened about 2 years ago) and if they have to come in a 3rd time then they are going to be arrested too, for operating a narcotics operation out of their property. Hopefully that is enough to scare them into some sense and keep those sons out of their house.

  5. I am feeling a bit of relief for you! Hopefully this is the beginning of the end- you have put up with a lot.
    Happy New Year!! :)
