Monday, December 15, 2014

Big Spender

Oh boy! I went all out and splurged big time with my bonus money!!! Are you ready for this?? I'm sure you are just on the edge of your seat wondering what I bought!

Four Christmas chair pads for $1 each from the Dollar Store!  Wooohooo!  Aren't they cute,    though? :)

The Christmas bedding I ordered a couple of weeks ago arrived. I'm not so thrilled with the duvet cover. It's a big small for king size. More like Queen, in my estimation. My comforter has to squish in it and barely hangs over the edge of the bed ( pulled it from the other side so it looks in this pic like it comes down the sides more than it really does) , so not quite the "look" I had envisioned my Christmas sleigh bed to be :(.  I do LOVE the sherpa throw blanket I got for the end of the bed. Perfect size and sooo soft and warm. I'll make do with the duvet cover - it came from England (ebay purchase) and not worth the cost to send back.

I do want to find a couple of Christmas throw pillows to add, but I'll look for those on clearance after Christmas.

And for those of you wondering - I did tell DH about the bonus. I debated all the way home from work but decided to share in this and see what happens! I know he has gotten much better the past several years about spending and when he does spend he now tries to find deals or buy used. I walked in the house and as soon as he was done with his rant about the neighbor drug dealers and the cops, I handed him my check. His eyes got a bit big and he was like "wow!".  I can tell that in a way it also kind of makes him feel bad......because he can't contribute to our family like that. He gave me a hug and said good job, you earned it, and I gave him a hug and told him he helped earn it too by supporting my job and doing all the home stuff I can't do.

On Saturday I decided to tell him he could use some of the money to get a gun safe that he has wanted/needed for over a year, as long as it was in the $1000-$1500 range. I said the rest is going into savings. He said what he really wanted was to get the rest of the parts to finish a rifle he is putting together himself. He bought the lower part (I had forgotten about this) a year ago, but hasn't done anything to get the rest of the parts. He figures he'll end up with 2 things - he'll have learned how to put together a rifle and he'll have another gun.  I think all this will come in the $1000 range, maybe $1500, so if that's what he wants to do with it, that is ok with me.


  1. Do you belong to Costco or Sam's Club? They frequently have gun safes for between $750 and $900, although you might have to buy online. Let me warn you, though: those things are HEAVY!!! After bringing it home and hauling it into the house the first time, DH agreed to let me hire professional safe movers for our last 2 moves and it was worth every single penny spent.

    1. I didn't renew my Costco membership this year, but will take a look at what they have online when we do end up buying one. Thanks for the tip.

  2. $1,500 for a gun part?Expensive toy. Save your money!

    1. $1500 is for all the parts for the high quality rifle. Purchased new/assembled it would cost in the $3000 range. Definitely not a toy. I look at his guns as an investment that will hold their value.

    2. Instead of spending your money on "stuff", have you ever considered going back to make amends to the people and businesses that were affected when you declared bankruptcy and didn't pay what you rightfully owed them?

  3. What will the rifle be used for after its built? Hunting? target shooting?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
