Thursday, December 11, 2014

The college girl is home

or maybe should be titled "Lessons learned the first quarter of college"

1.  She doesn't need the mid-level meal plan she signed up for. The lowest level will be adequate. She has like 67 meals left that she didn't use and ended up even guest comping meals this last week of classes for some friends that ran out of meals.

She always eats breakfast, but having 8am classes each morning, she didn't want to go to the cafeteria, so she would have cereal or oatmeal in her room. Sometimes she ate lunch at the cafeteria, but she didn't have much time between classes and it was always so crowded. So, about the only meals she ate there on a regular basis was dinner.  The microwave and fridge/freezer they have in their room has been adequate to have some meals from, too. One night she even went to the big kitchen in their dorm and made a bunch of quesadillas for herself and others.

2. She likes her private space more than she realized. Only having a brother and not having to share a bedroom growing up, it has been an adjustment learning to live with a roommate. While she really likes her roommate, she likes her own space even more :)

She's trying to decide what to do for next year.  She can live off campus if she wants and is considering trying to find an apartment to rent with another person, so then she at least has a bedroom to go off to study and sleep in.

3. She missed home (and her momma) more than she thought she would. She made 3 trips home. The first one a couple weeks after school started, then over Veteran's Day long weekend and then at Thanksgiving. Now she is home until Jan 5th. She was packed and ready to go, finished her last final at 4pm yesterday and was in her car and heading home by 4:15 :-)

4. It's easy to spend money to do stuff with friends. She found she was spending more money to go out and do stuff (dinner out, a movie, bowling, etc) than she thought she would. A couple of times she decided to pass on the activities, because it wasn't something she really cared to do one way or the other and didn't want to spend the money on it. (Even though I give her $100 a month specifically to have extra to go out and "do stuff")

Other than that, I think it was all pretty much what she expected. She loves the university and the town. Her classes are tough (since she's already in the upper level classes) but she got A's and B's. She's starting to have some guy friends from her dorm, but so far nothing in the "dating" interest. She has apparently been texting/messaging quite a bit with a guy her brother went to high school with. I guess after she started school he sent her a message asking how she liked college.  He lives in our town and has a good job with a big company in our metro area and is going back to school next month to get his degree (while working). I had met him once about a year and a half ago and thought he was such a friendly young guy. So then I asked her if they are texting so much why aren't they going out while she is at home on break and she said "ya, he mentioned about getting together....but Mom, he's like 24!" I was like " you are like 19 going on 30, so no big deal".

She also just heard from a guy she dated when she was 15 (that she had known since she was a little kid). They are meeting up halfway (he lives over an hour away) to have dinner tonight. Now this was a nice boy! I've known him since he was 8 years old and he is still as sweet as ever.

Just glad to have her home and I am enjoying the time with her.


  1. Those meal plans are a racket, most kids are like your daughter and only eat at the cafeteria for dinner. My daughter goes to a culinary arts program and has lived in an apartment from the beginning. At her school, at least, if you live in the dorms you must pay for a meal plan. Cheryl

    1. it sure seems expensive! Even the low meal plan is like $900 for the quarter. And yes, she has to have a meal plan too. There is one lower plan offered but it is only 5 meals a week and I don't want her have to worry about planning to not eat in the dining hall at all 2 days a week.

  2. Have fun with your daughter while she's home! All of mine will be home next week and I'm looking forward to it :)

    Living off campus is a good idea .... one of my kids did that. Shared a studio apartment right across the street from campus and cooked every day. Definitely the way to go if you can swing it.

    1. We'll have to add up the costs of dorm and meal plan and try to compare with an estimate of what she could rent something off campus for. She likes being on campus and close to classes, etc but just doesn't like not having any privacy, so much.

  3. My daughter finishes her first semester today and will move home tonight. She goes back on the 5th too, taking 2 classes for winter session.

    We are definitely adjusting her meal plan too. She loves being in a dorm but she is hardly ever in her room so she didn't really get to know her roomate very well. She likes her, but they haven't truly bonded. Next year she wants to live in a single on campus. And next year my youngest will probably be at the same school so that should be interesting.

    Enjoy your time with your daughter while she is home. I know we will with ours.

    1. I think that's good she isn't overloading on classes. My DD is taking 4 classes again next quarter, but one of the classes is only a 2 credit class, so not as much time involved. Though all her classes make my head hurt just hearing what they are! Physics, Managerial Accounting, Business Calculus and a computer class.

  4. My daughter goes off to college next year so I'm enjoying hearing about your daughter's first semester. She can't have a car on campus as a freshman so I think that may eliminate some of the going out with friends and spending money situation. We'll see! Have a great Christmas break with your daughter!


    1. That sounds like probably a good thing to not allow a car the first year! Though I don't think my DD would like that at all. She's pretty independent - even in high school she had a car, job etc and was able to get herself around when she wanted/needed to.

  5. So glad she is home. Mine is too for a couple more days and it is flying by. He has made many of the realizations your daughter has and it's funny watching him as he learns. Enjoy the time with her!

    1. The time is flying by! She has one more week here. Enjoy your time with your son :-)
