Saturday, August 6, 2011

This and That

I spent $20 on a new camera battery for Dd's little point and shoot and the camera still won't work.  We got it at Walmart and it came in one of those hard plastic packaging you have to cut open with scissors.  I was praying Walmart would take it back since it had been opened - they did - no problem! Whew!. I sure didn't want to waste $20.  Speaking of Walmart...I have a new favorite website to visit:
Full of lot of Walmart deals and coupon match ups.  I managed to get quite a few little things we can use for free or very cheap. 

Made dinner at home the past 2 nights.  Last night was French Dip sandwiches and watermelon slices.  Tonight was a chicken sandwich ring, corn on the cob and watermelon.  And I already have tomorrow night's dinner started! Some chicken wings marinating from a yummy sounding recipe I found online.  Last time we wanted watermelon the store didn't have any but the pre-cut expensive kind, so we forked over like $3.75 for a small container that lasted one meal.  This time they had small watermelon's for $2.78 and after cutting it all up, it's enough for 3 or 4 meals.  Much more economical.

We are supposed to have a guy come over tomorrow to give us an estimate on spraying the main color we want to paint our house.  We'd do the prep work and then the trim ourselves.  He did our friends one-story house and detached garage for $500, so am hoping it's a similar amount.  We could definitely manage that.  But the guy keeps calling and delaying a day.  First he was to come yesterday, then today, now not real sure of his commitment capabilities if we do hire him.

I see our nearby Target (it's less than a year old) is remodeling to include some fresh groceries.  Should be interesting to see if I find any good deals.  I don't too much with the foods they do have...the milk and eggs are always higher than Walmart.  Sometimes I can find a good deal if I can stack a Target coupon with a manufacturer's coupon.  Plus when I use my Target Red Debit card I save an additional 5%.

Got some more decluttering and housecleaning done today - after spending almost 2 hours at the DMV this morning trying to get "enhanced driver's licences" for me and Dd - oy vey - what a joke! the DMV is SOOOO inefficient.  We went up the the counter and sat back down 7 times!  So, after finally getting back home I cleaned off my messy side of the bathroom counter and cleaned out one of the drawers of a bunch of old or unused stuff.  Then I really cleaned the bathroom and the toilet.  The kitchen is still being cleaned all the time.  As for my desk....well, I did manage to clean one little area off of some file folders and put them up in the upper cabinet.  Since I work from home, I have a lot of papers and file stuff that piles up :-(

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