Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tuesday this and that

Ugh, not getting very far with work yet this morning. Our accounting software needed an update, which has to be done from our server by our IT group. They have always had to shut our server down for a short time to do these updates, so they have always scheduled it for after hours and yesterday's update was supposed to be done at 6pm yesterday. Right before I was done for the day I get a call from one of the IT techs (we use an oustide IT company), who I have never heard of/dealt with before, wanting to do the update now for the program on my computer. I was so confused, I said don't you have to shut down the server? He said no, this update didn't require the server to be shut down. Ok.....and quess what....neither my boss nor I can access our accounting program now. Where's our normal guy?! LOL. I hate it when they try to get one of their new techs to handle our issues. My boss is a little miffed about it, I can tell.

DH kept very busy all day and evening yesterday. It sounds like today (once he's up, LOL) will be more of the same.  

There's a bird outside making what sounds like a machine gun noise, is the best way I can describe it. Not sure what kind of bird makes this noise. It's kind of an angry sound. 

Half sis had the meeting with all the 4 stepbrothers. The one (co-exeuctor) who has taken all belongings from the apartment their dad had been living in, says he'll return it (after lots of arguing and the other brothers calling BS on him), but then once sis gets back home, he sends her a text that "the will doesn't say anything about the stuff in his apartment.....". Oh FFS.....the will says "personal belongings" - whether that's the stuff in his apartment or in his storage sheds on his property, that's what the will means. I told her, sure he "agreed" at the meeting, then got home, got an earful from his wife, and of course is backpedaling now.  This is one of the most stupidest feuds I have heard. Their dad already gave the 4 (bio) sons the land he owns, prior to death. That's their "inheritance". The summer before last, he sold/auctioned off all his farm equipment. All's that is left of personal belongings probably totals $10,000-$15,000 and that, according to the will, is supposed to be split between 7 them! 

Her step brothers land inheritance is actually more of a burden then an inheritance. They can only sell their share to another family member and if one of them dies, it has to go to their family heir, or if there isn't one, it goes back to the remaining brothers shares. So basically, the 4 of them have to spend money every year to upkeep this land, property taxes, etc. Sis said originally her dad wanted to include her and her 2 sisters (his step children) in inheriting this land, so 7 of them would have owned it. Sis made herself sick over it (literally, she got shingles from the stress) and finally told her step dad, please don't leave her any share of the land. She lives too far away to help with any of the upkeep (it's like a quarter section of land) and she doesn't have the means to pay for the property taxes and any other costs that would come up, nor the time. She already lives on a ranch she has to help manage.

It's warming up here. 43 degrees when I got up this morning and into the 60's today. Our lawn looks like straw. We need some warm sunny days for it to come out of winter dormancy and start to get green again.

Almost 2 hours and still can't get into our accounting program. This is ridiculous. I have work to do!


  1. When the cost of antacids is greater than the value of your inheritance. Peace out.

  2. I agree with anonymous! Your poor sister.

  3. Woodpeckers make sounds like what you described:)

    1. it's definitely a bird sound coming directly from the bird and not pecking on something, like a woodpecker can do (unless they can also make a fast sound out of their throats?)

    2. They do sound like a machine gun. They can really do some damage. Like, if they are pecking on house siding, roofs or whatever.
      If it's not woodpecker that's a relief!

    3. We've had woodpeckers drill on our house or gutters, it's loud! LOL.

  4. Woodpeckers peck really fast. Look up woodpeckers for your area. Does it look like a woodpecker?

    The father did not expect to sow discord, but cohesion. That did not work out!

    I hate it when the new guy gets to practice on customers.

    1. it's not a woodpecker pecking on something - it's a sound coming straight from a bird's vocals. I just don't know (yet) what kind it is.

  5. Your sis made the right decision not to be included in the share of the family estate.
    When my parents died the house was left to us kids.
    I straightaway got the others to buy me out ( a relatively small amount, it wasn't a big house ) as I knew I'd eventually have a row with one of my brothers-in-law!
    Now there's only one sister left alive but she's having to share the ownership of the house with all her nephews!

    1. that's an awful way to leave an "inheritance" to someone, in my opinion. Fortunately, when my FIL died, the house was sold right away and the money split between the 4 kids, no issues.
