Thursday, March 6, 2025

A couple of things fixed

I just placed my Walmart pick up order (for tomorrow afternoon) and checking out with Paypal worked correctly now, and it charged my paypal credit card. So, glad that is fixed, even if it took a chat and 2 phone calls.

I also got a couple of emails from customer service for the Optase eye drops. They are sending me a replacement bottle and some samples of their single use vials. He also had mentioned in the email before that about sending my bottle back to them, so they could test it for quality control. Not sure if he's sending info how to do that with this replacement and samples or not, but if he does I will send it back.

I guess I get to call the Social Security Admin again today. It's now been 30 days since I called and they told me it would be processed/pain within 30 days. Wonder what today's excuse will be, but I intend on calling repeatedly now, until it's resolved.

DH was feeling a little better yesterday, so he did go out in his shop for a couple hours and work on making those drawers for under his wood/sawing table. He's never made anything like this, so it's taking awhile.

My half-sis's step dad passed on Tuesday. That was a long battle he gave, after breaking his pelvis last summer and finding out he had cancer throughout his body. It sounds like he lived a good long life, though, and made it to 92. Now she has to deal with being co-executor of his will. I have a feeling it's not going to be a fun process for her. I have no idea how the Canadian will probate process works, but maybe it's easier/quicker than here in the U.S.

One of our neighbors dog's has been sick, poor guy. Mr has had him to the vet twice in the past week and he had to have some kind of surgery. I'm not sure how old the dog is now, but getting up there and also a large breed type dog. I think he's probably around 8 years old. I also can't remember how old their other dog (yellow lab) is now. I think he was 3 when they got him and they've probably had him 3-4 years now. 


  1. Glad you were able to fix a few things and that your DH is at least feeling a little better. Sorry to hear about your sisters dad passing too.

  2. Poor guy! My neighbor died at 94 and her daughter was told she had cancer over her entire body even though she or doctor did not know it. I have heard that about several people over 90 and not one doctor had diagnosed it. Of course, chemo would kill a person who was already old and feeble. I am glad it is over for him.
