Yesterday afternoon dh heard a mountain lion from across the road. We kept Amos inside the rest of the day. I did let him out this morning. 1) because when he first goes out he never goes farther than the doorstep LOL and by the time I'm done making my coffee, he realizes it's too cold/too wet/too "too", and wants right back in and 2) because it was pouring rain and I knew he wouldn't go past sitting next to the door under the overhang. LOL. I was right. It's just the ritual we go through every morning for me to prove I was right - he really doesn't want to go outside haha. Now he's curled up in the corner spot in my office, that is his new favorite napping spot.
A friend, who lives nearby, stopped by for a visit after dinner last night. That was nice and a good way to pass the evening, rather than sitting, scrolling social media or watching a show. She's a widow (her husband died almost 3 years ago) and is also trying to get back to enjoying life. She's a couple years older than us. Her husband was a little bit older than her, but still passed way too young, in his mid-60's (cancer). She's had a lot of loss the past few years and she's a strong woman. I admire her, a lot.
I'm still doing great now at tracking what I spend money on, each month. Apparently, it just took finding myself the right "system". It involves a notebook I leave next to my computer, just to write down expenses in (a page for each month), and then I enter them in a Quickbooks program I have and check off (in red pen) in my notebook that it's been entered. I also like the days with no expenses, LOL. I'm still trying to tweak my categories a bit - mostly with stuff dh's buys. He's the one who spends the most (of course!) and while I try to keep things he is buying separate as much as possible, like yard maintenance and house maintenance, some things I'm not sure where I want to put them. Like yesterday he had me order some hinges and drawer pulls for the drawers he is building for his big wood work far I'm just putting the expense like that in a category called "DH-Misc" haha. As I get more used to tracking, I may start doing sub categories for his little projects - then I'll have exact numbers on what he spent on each project.
Speaking of projects - yesterday he told me me did some of the staining of the big wood working bench, himself! Yay!! That was great news to me, LOL.
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