I went back through my Verizon billings and figured out that we got our current iphones almost 3 1/2 years ago, so (of course LOL) longer than I thought we've had them. I was thinking it was probably 2 1/2 years. And I paid $550 each for them! So, getting these new phones, free, is at least an $1100 savings to me. Normally, when we need new phones I get the oldest model available, to save money. But, now I see that we are getting the newest models out. That's a first time ever, haha. It looks like they run over $1000 each, but like I said, I would never have paid that.....but I would have likely had to pay at least $550 each, next time we needed new phones.
I did have to pay the $35 activation fee per phone, but that is always the case when getting new phones. It looks like I will also need to get new cases, but I think I will wait until I get the phones, to make sure I am ordering the right cases. I forgot to mention when I posted about the deal yesterday, that when we got done with our chat the Verizon guy said "I have to be honest, you are the most polite customer I have had" Awww. LOL.
My free 90 days of AppleTV+ expires in a couple of weeks. It worked out great that I got to watch the whole season of Severance (the finale was last night), along with a couple of other show seasons. I will want to subscribe again, at some point, when they come out with the new Murderbot show, based on the books by Martha Wells. I LOVE those books and am excited to see if the show does the books justice.
Now I see Target Circle is offering PeacockTV for free for 90 days, so I signed up for that. I see that starting today they are streaming Wicked for free. I would like to watch that movie and see if it lives up to all the hype. Of course, the original Wizard of Oz movie has been one of my favorites, since I was a child.
If you have an Amazon Prime account - be on the watch for items and shipping on items being higher priced than purchasing through a non-Prime account! This has happened to me twice now. I use DD's prime account (and pay her half the annual fee) when I want free and/or fast shipping. If not, I then typically use my non-prime account. The first one I came across was I was ordering truck mirrors for dh and the price on my non-Prime account was $15 less for the item then it was under DD's Prime account. The second item was yesterday. Dh had sent me a link to a set of sparkplugs, that were not a Prime item. I put them in my cart. They were free shipping, but estimated arrival date was 2 weeks out. I decided to put it in DD's Prime cart and see if maybe the date would be a little sooner. Not only was it not sooner, it was $6 for shipping! So, on both instances, being a Prime member was costing more for the items! That's not right!!
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