Friday, August 2, 2024

Small world

Today was supposed to be the day my boss fired the assistant. We tracked his work yesterday again, and she was also able to get a hold of one of our IT people to see what detail they can see on his work/computer use. Since we don't track employees like that, they only thing they could tell her at that particular time, by looking on his computer from the back end, was his computer had been idle for 40 minutes that "session". Regardless, the work done/not done is the proof. Again he clocked in for 5 hours and worked for 30-45 minutes.

My boss and I had a phone chat and she was going to fire him today, but this morning, an hour before his time to start working, he messaged in to her and I that he wasn't going to be able to work today. Dammit! I was so looking forward to this happening today. Yesterday my boss also said after he clocked out for the day yesterday she was going to have our internal IT guy turn off his (company) laptop's access (remotely) to our company. Not sure if that happened for sure or not.

A Facebook message yesterday showed what a small world this is. It was from my cousin's daughter (I probably met once or twice when she was little, like almost 40 years ago, LOL). Her grandma (my aunt) and her aunt (my cousin, LOL) told her I would be the one to contact for some family history about her great and great-great grandfathers. Yes, I can :)

After we got past chatting about that, I asked her where she lived, what she did for work. Welp, turn out she works in Supply Chain Management and up until 2 months ago worked for the same company as my dd works for, who is also in Supply Chain Management! This gal is higher up, was a director, but neither knew of each other (because now I was messaging dd asking her). Different departments, but last year a change was made and dd's dept split into 2 and some went onto one dept and some onto another. One of the depts was the one this 2nd cousin was over. Just kind of a fluke that dd ended up going with the other dept, otherwise this lady would have been like her boss, but like 3 levels up. And they wouldn't have even known they were 2nd cousins! Crazy.

We've been messaging a bit more this morning. I have an old photo album my mom made for me years ago that is kind of a family history of photo's she and my grandma had. I took a picture of several of them with my phone and just messaged them to her. I have one pic of my great grandfather (her great-great) so I sent that, along with several pics of my grand father (her great) throughout the years.


  1. I understand the need for employees' rights in the workplace but if the work is done remotely can the employer not track the work done so that they can prove behaviour that results in dismissal?
    It looks like he is abusing his right to privacy.

    1. I'm sure some employers do track (I have heard this) but our company (small) has never felt the need to be big brother to our employees, so do not have IT programs set up to track actual computer usage/work being done

  2. No reason your boss couldn't have messaged him back asking him to call her. I'm assuming she planned on telling him over the phone. She should still turn off company access on his computer asap. After he is let go, your boss will probably be so relieved and wish she had done it sooner.

    1. She wants to tell him in person, so she's going to have to tell him she needs him to come into the office. I think she will be very glad when this is over with.

  3. I have heard that people who work from home just walk by jiggle the mouse to make it look like they are working. I have also heard about a device that moves the mouse around where the employee does not have to do it. Of course, if you don't see work output the match the jiggled mouse, it is easy to see nothing is being done.

    It is disappointing he is not fired. She should disable his computer so he cannot do something to get revenge.

    That is amazing that you have contact with a relative that worked with your daughter. She will certainly benefit from your research.

    1. for sure jiggling the mouse can make it look like your status is "active" but since his job is all output we can track, we can tell exactly how much he has gotten done in any given day.

    2. I was able to give her some general info on the family history, but also able to tell her lots of more "personal" stuff (like personality and hobbies, etc) of my grandparents (her great) as I spent my whole childhood and adult life (until they passed) around them a lot.

  4. she seems like a very nice person, around 40 age, I think

  5. Wow what a small world indeed! Mind you, on my way over to Australia many moons ago I stopped off in Bali - and met my boss's nephew, so we travelled around together!!!

    1. now that is a small world! Did you just get to talking to each other and realize he was your boss' nephew?
