Tuesday, August 27, 2024

New computer working now

Good things happening today :)

1) DH FINALLY got a call from the gunsmith that his rifle is ready to pick up. Gee - only took 5 months! Basically, with the first gusnmith he tried who had it like 6 months, he hasn't had this rifle in almost a year. He's picking it up now (an hour drive away) and hopefully it turned out ok. But, at this point he doesn't care, he just wants it back and was starting to think he wasn't going to get it back as the guy just kept blowing him off. If it wasn't ready by the time we get back from vacation, he was just going to drive up there, tell the guy he wants it back now, whether it's in pieces or what, and if he couldn't get it, he was just going to report it to that county sheriff as stolen. Thankfully, it didn't come to that.

2) The monitor cable I ordered came in the mail and it works. His new computer hooked up and running and 2 monitors. It's a beautiful thing, LOL

He's not back yet, so I was glad to have a few minutes to get it set up, before he gets back. I'm sure something about it will be "different" and he'll have his little tantrum, but new stuff is always updated and changed, just like having to get a new cell phone. That's life. I just got an email from my credit card that he stopped and got gas, LOL, so he should be home in about 10-15 minutes, haha. It was a nice and peaceful 2 1/2 hours while it lasted.

DH got back while I was still typing this out. He's very happy with how the new stain color turned out, but this gunsmith was no better than the first - still didn't clean up all the dirty parts of it! That was the whole point of taking it in, BOTH times. So strange. I guess dh is going to learn how to clean all the parts himself now. Youtube, LOL. At least the guy didn't charge him too much. 

I can't get payroll done today - my boss has literally been unavailable all morning so far. Grrr. Usually she at least will message me what time she can get back to me or will take a break from her meetings for a few minutes to reply to me.

I freeze extra loaves of bread all the time. Not sure why lately we've been having some loaves thaw out and they have hard crusts and don't feel soft. They aren't frozen for more than 3 weeks, usually just a couple of weeks, max 3 weeks, in between shopping trips, when I buy more and we use up the frozen first (and in order of purchase). I don't know if the bags sometimes have a pin hole in the bag? and it's getting like freezer burn? I'll take out another loaf and it will thaw out just fine and seem totally fresh. I guess I might have to start double wrapping all the loaves I freeze.


  1. I love the dual screens! If my desk were cleaner/bigger I would have loved that setup for work. I hope DH doesn't complain too much. I have no idea on the bread - maybe something changed on the manufacturing end? We get it with our milk - sometimes we take it out the freeze and it's chunky for no apparent reason!

    1. the bread used to happen once in a blue moon, now it's like every 3rd loaf. I have dual screens also, for work, but really wish I had room for 3 monitors, LOL.

  2. I was not holding out hope for retrieval of the gun. But, I am so happy he did get it in whatever condition. Clean up wood or metal? Tell husband you can always hook up the old monitor that he knows how to use. He is lucky to have you for computer.

  3. We've had to double wrap bread to be frozen now, wondering if its because carrier bags now all have safety holes to prevent suffocation so even with double wrap there's a possible air escape.
