Monday, August 12, 2024

Off to a slow start

Dh got up yesterday and put on his lawn mowing clothes, only by the time he was ready to get out there, the sky turned dark and it rained a little again. It passed through pretty quickly and the sun came back out, to dry it out, and he was able to get out there early afternoon.

While he was outside doing that, I vacuumed downstairs and mopped the kitchen, laundry room, and dh's den. I went back to using the Bona mop and solution. I really liked that steam mop, but I didn't want dh to come into the house and complain it smells weird again. Grrr....Maybe I'll see if dd wants it. I'm not sure if she ordered herself one or not, I know she was thinking about it and had asked for the link to mine.

I have to process payroll this morning, but I found out Friday my boss is off all this week, so I got the "pre" work for it done on Friday, in case I had any questions for her that needed answers (there usually is, in regards to people's time off), so it shouldn't be too big of job this morning, and then back to training mode.

Three more days and we can apply for our state's property tax rebate (don't forget Dianne 🤑). It was a 2 year deal and we'll get back $675 this year, again. It will be direct deposited. I can't remember how long it took last year, but seems like it was only about 2 weeks. Still doesn't make up for the huge increase, though. Next year is our next 2 year appraisal cycle and I'm sure we'll get hit again. 

Dh needs a new pair of sweatpants. He's had MRI's before and I think they always recommend wear loose clothing, so he'll wear sweatpants, and his sweatpants have a hole in them, so time for some new ones. I wanted to get him the same one's, but apparently I had gotten these at Target/Champion brand. (there was a tiny Target tag inside the seam), but I couldn't find that Target carries this brand anymore. I then found them online ranging in price for $27 to $44, so I went with the $27 Amazon price, of course.

I'm also going to need some more of the great eye drops my eye dr had told me about. They are like $24 for a little bottle. I found a new/sealed bottle on Ebay for $15 and free shipping. I have ordered the eye ointment I also use, on Ebay before, and it was sealed and within date, and totally fine and saved $. 

My internet is being slow to load things this morning, but when I do a speed test, it's totally good and where it should be. Maybe I'll do a modem restart anyway, before I get logged into work, to see if that helps any. I still have 25 minutes before I start work for the day.

I got some new pajamas, from Kohl's that I am liking. Similar to the pants I have, but these ones are floral print in yellow, green and blue colors. The top is blue. I can't remember the name of this color of blue, but it almost has a purple tint to it. Maybe the color name is periwinkle, that I'm thinking of. They are comfy AND have pockets. Pockets are a must, LOL. I have a couple pair of flannel pants, that I got out to wear, but realized they have no pockets. The rest of my Kohl's order is supposed to come today, with the jeans I ordered. The tops I ordered online, from some fashion website, are supposed to arrive tomorrow. 3 tops. I hope they are good. If they are, I'll likely be ordering more clothes from them, in the future.

Alright - this internet slowness is getting annoying, so I'm going to get this posted and restart our system and then get logged int work. Enjoy your day!


  1. I am working from home this week and my Internet is so fast vs the office :( but my boss never upgrades due to cost. I hope the training continues to go well!

  2. Costco carries Champion brand. We buy it for ODS - the socks and pants and DH wears the sweats too.

  3. Yeah I remembered the property tax rebate. As of this morning though, all 4 of my kids have asked me about it- how do you forget about getting money? Lol. I think it was really fast last year, like you said about 2 weeks, but I don’t remember for sure.
    I have no doubt values will go up again. We had another house sell near us, and it sold for quite a bit. That won’t help. I feel sorry for the girl that just bought my DD’s house. She’s in for a shock when she sees her new value because in the four years my dd owned it doubled in value lol.
    It is what it is.


    1. I know our land values will for sure go up again - because of the 2 lots for us going for even more than last time they sold. What aggravates me is that none of the other similar river lots in our county, up and down the river, each direction, will go up, yet when they tried to explain to me how they came up with my house/property value - it was because houses 200 miles away were selling for high prices.... :/

    2. oh and I agree about how do you forget about getting money?!! We have employees where I work who actually forget to cash bonus checks! How?! How do you forget you just got a couple thousand or more? I always tell my boss, it sure must be nice to not care about money.

  4. I found nightgowns with pockets. I am in heaven with those. I don't wear pajamas, so pockets in nightgowns thrill me.
