Sunday, August 25, 2024

Adjusting plans

We've changed our plan for having DD pick us up when the cruise is over. I was trying to figure out what time to even tell her when I don't even know how long it actually takes to get off the ship. I hadn't mentioned it to friend yet, but figured we'll figure it out later or I can message DD from the cruise with a more definite time a day or two before.

But, friend texted me last night that how about we take the shuttle with them to get their rental car they are going to have for 2 days. We will likely be getting off the ship around 8am or so and they can't get into their hotel until later afternoon anyway, so she said we can ride on the shuttle with them to get their rental car and then they will drive us back to DD's house. That way DD won't have to take time off work to do it, nor mess with figuring out what time. Sounds good to me! I booked us 2 spots on the shuttle service and that will work out much better. Plus give friends something to do all day while they wait for their hotel room to be available. They don't fly home until like 6pm the day after our cruise gets back. She said they saved $600 in flights by going back home on Tuesday, so the one day of hotel was overall a savings.

Plus we can grab some lunch with friends that day, near ddh's house, or if they really want to stay longer hanging out at DD's a bit more, we can all just go out to dinner, and then they can head back to their hotel. I can tell friend and I are going to be good travel buddies. She pays attention to every detail, like I do, LOL. 

Friday I made homemade pizza for dinner. I'm glad I figured out what the issue was with the frozen rolls used for the dough (too long in the freezer) because my last 3 pizzas have been great and the dough is so good. For dinner last night, I made dh his cheeseburger he likes to have often, and I had 2 of the 3 leftover pizza slices for my dinner. I'll have the remaining piece for lunch today. No waste.

I'm not sure what to make for dinner tonight. We haven't had anything with chicken in awhile, so I think I'll get some out of the freezer and figure out what to make. I think spaghetti. Then I can have some leftovers.

I need to vacuum and dust today, since I didn't get anything done house chore wise yesterday. I also need to make up some more hummingbird nectar. Not for much longer though, they start to leave soon. It was 45 degrees first thing this morning. Fall is coming.

My knee still hasn't hurt anymore, thankfully. Fingers crossed it was just a one-off thing and not recurring. I must have done something to aggravate it, I'm just not sure what it was. I remember several years ago my boss kept having her knee hurting and the doctors could find nothing wrong with it. Finally it was figured out it was her hip with the issue, making her walk a bit differently and was putting the pressure/pain on her knee. She had hip surgery and fixed it.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have gotten some good plans for driving. Hopefully, your problem is not your hip. When I read that, I thought of a friend whose leg was shorter and caused knee pain. I simple orthotic in her shoe solved the pain problem.
