Thursday, August 1, 2024

No news, good news, and funny news

Still waiting on the assistant to get fired.......I have been tracking his work almost down to the minute this week, again, to show my boss how much he is taking advantage of us/getting paid for work time he is not putting in. He "worked" 5 hours both Mon and Tues and 3 hours on Wed (he had to stop early as he said he had to take his car in for repairs). Out of this 13 hours clocked in he actually worked 4 hours tops. Probably more around 3 1/2. 

DH's PSA was still good/same as it was last check, so that is great. Originally he was 9. something when it was first discovered back in 2021. Then June 2022 I had him start taking that prostate supplement, Zyflamend, to try. His next biospy showed no more cancer cells and his PSA had gone down to 5.19. This latest PSA was 5.34. While a score of 5 is still considered borderline high for his age, it's much better than a 9 and good it's staying consistent.

DH got a cryptic email from Mr. Neighbor last evening. It just said:

they leave Sunday. Return for Thanksgiving week. No plans of coming,  at this point next summer

DH was like - did he mean to send this to me? They had maybe chatted once since Mr told DH they were coming (if he's even talking about his DIL and grandsons, LOL) and dh never even mentioned them coming for a visit. They've only been here since midnight Sunday, so 3 days of them so far, and so for so good, no complaints coming from us (the only thing we ever complained about to them while they are here, is the non stop barking for hours when they would all leave to go do something). So - we are hoping this means they are only here a week and leave this Sunday, LOL. We can do 4 more days with the screaming kids over there, haha. I think the twins aren't as bad as they were the previous years, with the screaming.

Last evening one of their dogs was outside our laundry room door as dh was going out to go into the shop. He followed dh right into the shop. This dog has never done that before. Of their 3 dogs this one is the least friendly, always keeps his distance. Then he followed dh back to our laundry room door and wanted in, LOL. Amos was having NONE of that nonsense! So, dh gave pup a treat (we still buy dog treats, as dh takes treats over to their kennel fence) and let the dog be. He came inside to tell me and I was like pup was trying to tell you to rescue him from the chaos over there! LOL. "Please let me stay! I can't take it over there anymore!" LOL

Here's a couple of goofy cat pictures

It's almost Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the dog probably needed a quiet place for a bit. Maybe dh could text back something like--I know you will miss them. Then, maybe you can see if he really meant to send it to him.
