Monday, August 19, 2024

Not doing Monday very well, so far

I think I need 3 days weekends, LOL. Back when I had to commute (an hour to 2 hours each way, depending on traffic) there would have been no way I could have worked 4/10's. Working from home, I could do it, but our company isn't really set up for that type of schedule, so it's never been a consideration. Dh has a friend who works 4/10's, but it's only offered to him in the summer months, for some reason.

We had a friend and his 2 kids stop by last evening for a visit. Dh has been telling him "stop by - I have otterpops!" LOL. He texted last night asking if dh still had otterpops. They only live a few minutes away, so they showed up not long after. One of the boys is his nephew he is raising. Great kids. Very polite and very funny and engaging. We first tried to sit out on the back patio, but between the otter pops and the cans of iced tea the kids had with them, the bees were too much, so we went inside. They didn't leave until about 8:30 and by then I didn't feel like watering my flowers, so I will have to take some time out this morning, to get it done.

I cut my hair yesterday. I think I went a bit shorter than I wanted to, LOL. Whatever, it grows fast :) It usually takes me a couple tries to get the layers back in, but I think I did pretty good in the first try this time.  

I've been using this online cloud backup (called iDrive) I pay for each year to back up our computers regularly. I guess having to get dh's old computer files onto his new computer will be a good test of how good this works. I'm hoping it will be an easy process. Speaking of backing up....apparently our little county atttorney's office had their server crash and they lost over a months worth of documents. I said WHAT?! don't they back up?? Yes, but only monthly. What the hell? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just proves even more how incompetent just about everyone working in our county office are. How the heck hard would it be to just have your system backing up every night? Just dumb. 

The next time dh subscribes to an online newspaper subscription I am going to let him have it! This is like the 3rd one he's done (just to read some article he wants to read) and they make it so hard to cancel. You can never do it online, always have to call and it's always in India (no matter which newspaper). I politely say I want to cancel the subscription. They try to offer an extension at a cheaper price. No thank you, just cancel please. They he wants to know why I want to cancel and I politely say we aren't using it. Then he says he needs a detail on why. I said I just gave you the detail, we aren't using it. I repeat for the 4th time, just cancel please. Then he says again, he needs more detail on why I want to cancel. Then I got mad. I said I don't know what to tell you - there is no more detail other than we aren't using it. Then he tried again. I said I want to cancel, I am not spending another 5 minutes with you to try to talk me into keeping it. Cancel the subscription please. Finally, he did. 

So, that got me really annoyed. Then I went to pour some cat food into his bowl (it's in my office) and spilled the cup of food all over the carpeted floor. Now I'm even more annoyed, LOL.


  1. Backing up once a month in this day and age for work is just wild... LOL. I had to laugh, your subscription story reads right into Amos' food bowl, but I also interpreted it as DH having a bowl in your office for his own food LOL!

  2. There is usually a place in grayscale at the bottom of the page that says 'continue without supporting this time." If not, I just google the article even paraphrasing the title and find the article elsewhere on the internet. I have never failed to find the article elsewhere. I refuse to pay, and now I am glad.
    Next time, put some sugar water in a saucer across the yard. Maybe the bees will leave you alone.

    1. apparently dh was at a point on the newspaper website that said "you have reach you limit of articles" so he signed up for the $1 for 6 months. I just wish they made it easier to cancel, then having to call.

  3. My hair used to grow quickly. I envy you that!

    1. I'm glad I didn't inherit my mom's hair, haha. Her hair grew so slow and she never had long (not even shoulder length) hair in her life.

  4. When we lived in D.C. I used to get young kids knocking on the door trying to sell me a subscription to the Washington Post for $1. Ruddy great big paper and no way was I interested in taking out a subscription, even for just $1!!! Then the kid (they would always use young kids) would go into some spiel about how "didn't I want him to go to college"! Drove me nuts so I feel for you. Signing up for this stuff is one thing, cancelling is another altogether!

    1. It's so annoying. Supposedly there are ways to bypass a paywall and a computer savvy friend sent dh a link to use, but he couldn't get it to work (user error, I'm sure!)
