Sunday, February 18, 2018

The insurance adjuster

DH was finally given the correct phone number for FIL's insurance adjuster. The last digit of the phone number was wrong. DH left the correct guy a message this time and he called back shortly after. DH basically told him he's trying to help out his elderly father and just make sure we have the numbers right, as the numbers FIL apparently gave SIL aren't matching what FIL told DH.  Well, then adjuster gives even different numbers! But, it was to the good about $100.

They are giving him $2519 for the car, including tax and prorated license. Less their $500 deductible and they will get a check for $2019. He also said he was able to use 20 comps to come up with the amount and that they felt it was adequate based on the condition of the car (not taking in the damage part) - including smoked in and cigarette burns in seat.  DH told him he agreed that it seemed a fair amount and didn't push him to get more.  He then called his dad and gave him the amount and told him he thought he should take it and not buy the car back for $170.

They will send SIL an email with a FedEx overnight label so FIL can mail in his title and he should have his check in 3-4 days. DH called to tell FIL all this and that he should accept this, as their rental car was only covered for 5 days and the insurance wants to close this, as they are paying daily storage fees to the tow company. FIL said he wasn't sure where their title was, but he'd start looking. DH then talked to SIL and told her and that she might have to help dad look for the title. I'm glad we are not like that with our important documents. We have a small safe box that all our titles, birth certificates and social security cards are kept in. And now that box is kept inside our big gun safe.  DH did talk to FIL again last evening and he said he found the title.

SIL seems bound and determined that they should get the $2800 car that is just down the road from her, rather than the much nicer $4100 car that is about 20 miles away. FIL had told DH is budget was $4500. The nicer car has less miles and is a station wagon type of Taurus, which seems to us would be much easier for him to get MIL's wheel chair in and out of, rather than lifting out of a deep trunk. When I commented this in a message to SIL she said - either way, he has to get it out of the back.  Ok, whatever.  I really don't care what they get to replace it.  I had just come across this car and it looked like a really good car for it's age. My DD even called on it for them and it's still for sale.

I'm just tired of giving them all suggestions to help make their lives a bit easier (even on SIL) and they have an excuse on why they can't. The other day FIL commented to DH that he has to to pick up prescriptions like a couple times a week! Plus he can't leave MIL alone, so has to get her ready and in the car, etc, just to go get prescriptions at least a couple times a week. That alone wears him out. I suggested why don't they do mail order prescriptions through their insurance? SIL said they have too much mail theft in their neighborhood. At first I thought oh,ok. Then the more I thought about it....they are in a locked box, they are home every day. He can walk out and get the mail soon after the mailman delivers. Just don't leave your mail out there! We also suggested they work with their pharmacist and doctor(s) to at least try to get as many of the prescriptions on the same pick up day as possible, cutting down so many trips.

There are ways to make life just gotta be willing to do them!


  1. People that compalin but then ignore solutions-a very annoying habit. I've called a few peole out n this and have asked "are you just complaining or do you want ideas?" I'm trying to actual listen when people suggest things-who needs to make life more complex if someone has a good idea. Your ideas sound sound.

    1. that bugs me too, especially when they ask for idea or complain.

  2. I, too, don't like it when people ask for suggestions, then say "yes,but," every time a suggestion is made. Probably, they do just want to complain, but don't really want help.

    1. if someone doesn't like something in their life, their usually is a way to change it. But his parents have always been the complaining type.

  3. I despise suggestions given to me that are really not doable or are stupid. Plus, having people offer solutions that are costly or not realistic is very annoying.

    However, going in for prescriptions several times a week is not necessary. My pharmacist has delivery. If I were to have them deliver several times each week, they would find a solution. It is possible that the one month refill date on some of them could be modified so they would all be ready with fewer trips, AND that could be delivered if necessary but only once each week. Plus, it sounds like the sil wants to be in control but without good solutions. It sounds like she needs to be needed. Getting a wheel chair out of the bed of the truck? That would be more difficult than a station wagon type vehicle.

    1. We don't usually give suggestions, unless asked first. It was getting the wheel chair out of a truNk, not truck. I was just trying to compare getting one out of a deep trunk of a car vs being able to slide it out the back of a station wagon type of same model of car they wanted.

  4. Good grief. You made a very reasonable suggestion. I agree that a station wagon type of vehicle would be far easier with the w/c. As for the meds, I they could easily get them dispensed on the same day each month. If theft is still a concern, perhaps you SIL could pick them up.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would just let it go. Some people never listen to sound advice. I have a friend like that. It got to be so frustrating that I thought our friendship would soon be in jeopardy. So, I told her not to ask my opinion, since I get frustrated with all her counter-arguments. She agreed that we have very different styles and that was that. No hard feelings and we still have a good relationship.

    1. yes, I'm done making suggestions. It sounds like the less driving FIL should be doing the better, since he's had two accidents recently.
