Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mid week this and that

So, over the weekend we decided to watch that movie I got (free through Verizon rewards) on Vudu. If you recall an earlier post I was pleased that I figured out how to add Vudu onto my Firestick earlier last week. Well, it wouldn't play! Apparently it's in "hdx" format and Firestick doesn't support that, it will only play SD format. So, that was a disappointment. Neither of us want to sit at a computer or tablet and watch it.

Then, while dinner was cooking in the oven last night, I had another idea. Our blu-ray/dvd player has wi-fi and while I haven't used it in quite awhile (since we got the Firestick a few years ago) I thought it had Vudu as one of the apps. Maybe, just maybe, it would play on that? I hooked it back up. It's not plugged in because our tv only has two USB slots - one has the Firestick in it and one for satellite box. I only plug it in if we want to watch a dvd. It took a few tries, for some reason, to get the internet to work, but once it connected there was Vudu as an option. I logged into my Vudu account, clicked play on the movie and YAY!! I honestly did not expect it to work. That blu-ray player is pretty old. It worked. We were able to watch "Only The Brave" last night. A really good movie, but very sad, of course.

Tomorrow night is a book club meeting. From the emails, it appears only about 4 or 5 are going. I think I'll be skipping this one. We had a foot or more of snow over the weekend and the meeting is at a house about 16 miles from me, in an area that usually gets more snow then we do. Plus I'd be driving home in the dark on snowy roads and almost zero temps, which I don't want to do. I would be ok with driving if it was during the day. I didn't really enjoy or even finish the book anyway. It was a long book and I had to return the e-book to library before I could finish it and still haven't gotten to borrow it again, and I already saw the tv version of it.

I do not have to work this Friday. The office is closed, due to the move and no server access will be available until Monday morning, so I won't even be able to log in remotely and work. We are going to use the day to go visit the cabinet lady again. We made some changes to the layout of our kitchen. The plan originally had two islands. A center one with stove top and an outer island with sink and outside barstool seating. We decided to just go with one island. That should make the flow of working in the kitchen much better and save some money, too. We will probably also go into the city and get another flooring quote with the place our builder recommended would probably be cheaper. If time allows, we'd also like to go visit another granite place.

DH is kind of in a crabby mood this morning. I've got too much work to do (year end/tax stuff for both jobs) to be bothered with that today! Oh well.


  1. What do you do in book club? Once I tried mentioning some theme in a book and I was cut off with a curt, "We don't bother with stuff like that!" I thought it was integral to the book. I am an English major and look for things in books. So, I just never talk about books with anyone, much less anyone at a book club meeting. another time, a woman said it meant whatever she wanted it to mean. Did I fall down a rabbit hole?

    1. The books we have read so far have "discussion questions" included with them, so we just go off of those. Sometimes we think a question is dumb and skip it. Some questions lead us into other of our own questions. Mostly we all bring food, sit down and eat, then discuss the book. Usually about 2 hours or so.

  2. A three day weekend. How nice for you! I like how you look for ways to save money on your new house. From having done some remodeling, I know how easy it can be to get suckered into wanting the best of the best. Good for you for being smart about things! How are things coming with your loan process?

    1. we're just waiting on the appraisal now. The guy came out and did it last Thursday and said it would be a week or so.
