Monday, February 26, 2018

If it ain't broke.........

I've been doing my mom's tax return for quite a few years (since my dad passed). Last year, since I have moved, she just mailed me copies of her tax documents. I just use TaxAct or TurboTax. It really never takes me too long to do her return. She has her retirement income/investment account and social security. It's pretty easy, especially with the tax programs.

So, the other day I realized we hadn't talked about her tax return yet, so I mentally reminded myself to ask her next time I talk to her. In the meantime DD told me grandma told her she was going to have her neighbor do her tax return this year. She figured it would be easier than having to send me copies of her documents.  My mom just recently handed over the treasurer job of their homeowners association club to this lady. Apparently she's a retired accountant.

So, my phone rings this morning. It's mom. She had that lady do her taxes and in looking it over (after she submitted it to IRS electronically) she thinks it's wrong. She left off reporting one of the items on her investment/retirement tax forms. She had her boyfriend look it over too, and he agreed. Can she send it all to me now? she needs it fixed. LOL. Of course. LOL. Just send it all to me, including the tax return that was done, and I'll figure it out and have to file an amended return for you. No worries.


  1. Oh lord!
    I am always afraid of leaving something out/off. What a nightmare.
    Good luck to you!

    1. I'm just glad she doesn't have a very complicated tax return. It should be fairly easy to fix.

  2. Maybe the lady is a retired accountant, and maybe there is a reason she retired. Your mom is lucky to have you.

    1. well, I'm sure she's up there in age, like my mom. I don't even think my mom is telling her she made a mistake and having me fix it. Plus, it kind of makes me nervous she is letting someone (not a professional CPA) see her personal info. I don't think she knows this lady very well.

  3. Your mom is lucky to have you. All I do is gather all of Mom's info and take it to her accountant.

    1. I'd feel better if she had used an accountant and not some lady I don't think she knows too well.....
