Wednesday, February 7, 2018

on the phone

Phone calls wear me out! First I'm having to call about getting some "course of construction" or otherwise known as "builders risk" insurance for building the shop. Our lender didn't think the insurance company we use for our current homeowners does that kind of policy, but I thought I'd check with them first, anyway. I emailed my agent yesterday, but he never replied back, so I called this morning and talked to his assistant. I explained the house build date is basically unknown at this point. It depends on when we sell the house. She said they would have to insure both the house and shop build at same time. Well, I don't want to pay insurance on a house that isn't being built yet! What if it takes us 6 months or more to sell our house? LOL. My lender thought that was ridiculous, too.

Then I decided I'd better get my mom called, as it's been over a week since we last talked. If I get all these other calls in, then I'll end up really not wanting to talk on the phone anymore today and not call her again! She's finally made herself a doctor appointment for next week. Otherwise she seems to be doing ok, but says she just feels not as energetic as she usually does. She's always been like an energizer bunny, so I'm sure to her, getting old and having to slow down, feels like something is wrong, when it's probably just age.  But, glad she is going to get checked out.

Then I had to make a call for work, because email wasn't cutting it getting this issue figured out. Anyway it was a nice chat with our payroll person, with the company who processes our payroll and benefits.

Then I called another insurance company to see if they can just insure the shop during the build. He says they can and will get me a quote by tomorrow. I have an email into another insurance guy, asking for same thing, so hopefully between the two of them, one will work for what the bank needs.

That's enough phone calls for me for one day LOL

DH got out of the house today. Yahoo! The guy who started building our rockery, picked him up and they were going to take a drive somewhere up in the hills - where there is snow. He helps clear logging roads of snow as a side job, I guess. DH really enjoys this guy's company. I'd say he's about 60 years old. Really nice guy. We're about ready to have him do another section of the rockery well. Probably in the next few weeks.

update: Ok, now WAY past my limit of phone calls for one day! After posting I remembered I still needed to call my doctors office - again - because I'm still getting a bill for an additional $25 copay owed. My insurance processed as a specialist visit. The office and this NP I saw is not a specialist. The billing office was supposed to take care of. But I'm still getting a bill in the mail. I called again. Was told the only thing she can think causing it is that the NP I saw USED to work for a neurologist office and the insurance is still processing her that way. I'd have to call my insurance co to check. Ok, another phone call and yes, that is what is going on. She is still listed as with a neurology office, not a general practitioner office and of course that can only be fixed by their office, not me. So, called back the doctor office. She acted like I should be able to fix. I said they are not taking my word for it that she no longer works for a neurology office LOL. So, I gave her the provider phone number to call UHC and hopefully they can get fixed. I then decided to also call their main billing dept number (in another state) who actually mails me these statements and update them on what is going on so they can make a note of it. She agreed with me that the doctor office itself needs to update with the insurance company. 


  1. A day of phone calls like you had is exhausting to say the least. And still waiting for answers. Ugh!

    1. the dr. office did call me back and she said they are updating w/the insurance, but she doesn't know how long it takes and then they will resubmit my claim. I'm sure I'll have to follow up on it again LOL. I'm pooped!

  2. Some days, calls are tiring. Those calls that seem to go nowhere are annoying. If things chug along and items do not need another call, I am less stressed and tired. The doctor call would tire me.

    1. ya, the dr. call put me over the edge. but I pushed on and even called the main billing dept (at a different location then dr office) and let them know what is going on and why it's not being paid. Then when the lady called me back from the dr. office I told her I had called the main billing dept and she was thankful I had done that, because she said that was going to be her next call and now she didn't have to do it :)

  3. I spend a lot of time on the phone too. Some people just like to chatter away. Sometimes I have to say "goodbye, I have to go now" several times before I can actually do so.

    1. most days I go without talking to anyone on the phone - just how I like it LOL
