Thursday, February 8, 2018

Some savings

Last month our electric bill was $400 - the same as it was this same month last year. I was kind of surprised, since it's a much warmer winter and we've been keeping our heat lower than last year (and putting on layers to keep warm). So, for the bill for this month I just budgeted the high amount of $400 again. I was pleasantly surprised to see the bill is $306! Quite a nice adjustment to the budget for this month.

I got a quote on the "course of construction" insurance policy we'd need. I have been kind of panicking the past couple of days since the lender told me I need to get this and pay out of pocket. When I googled cost on it, the links said usually between 1%-5% of project cost. I was thinking OMG, this could be like $3000 we need to pay.  But I couldn't imagine why they could charge so much. I'm mean you can insure a whole house and contents for like $1000 a year. Nope, it's only $500. Whew. I feel better now. We just have to wait for this appraisal to get done and then if that's all ok then I get the policy going.

DH is trying to decide what to do with the 5 big fir trees we cut down on our property. He called a local lumber mill to see if it's something they might be interested in, since they are quite tall and thick trees - good for board lumber. It doesn't seem like there is quite enough there for them to make it a load, so might be better to just saw up and sell as firewood. Whichever he does, sounds like we could at least make a few hundred off of them.  DH's friend doesn't seem interested in coming and getting for firewood for his house.

This is about all that is going on today.  Warm and 52 degrees today! I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.


  1. Nice that he might be able to make a little money off the big trees.

    1. I hope so. The sawmill co is coming out to look at it today. He did send a text to his buddy - last chance to take it, so it sounds like he will come and saw it up and take it this weekend if the sawmill doesn't want it.

  2. We are having an INCREDIBLY warm winter as well - I can't remember where you are but we are in Northern California and it has been in the 70's all week. I'm probably the only one in the state that HATES that weather - I want cold and rain :)

    1. We're in Montana. I spoke too soon. The temp dropped down to 20 and it's snowing now LOL

  3. That is a nice savings. Enjoy your warmer weather. We are currently at -10. Brrr.

  4. Those were two nice surprises--electric bill and insurance costs. Now, if you can make money from the trees, it would be three bonus hits to your finances.
