Friday, February 2, 2018

Invisible phones

With my company moving into a brand new office they are also getting a new phone system.  A phone system with no actual phones! LOL. My boss sent out an email about this and saying if you don't have a company issued cell phone you will need to pick either a headset or an earbud for your "phone". I emailed her asking if the new system will still just forward calls to my extension to my cell phone, like our current system. She said yes, it will work exactly same, however what kind of cell phone do I have? I replied an iphone, but an older 5s model. Her reply back was "hmmm.....that will work, however let me see what I can do".  I wonder what that means! She'll pay for me to buy a new cell phone? she'll get a me a new cell phone on the company plan? Now I gotta sit and wonder what she meant LOL.

A new phone would save me the cost of a new one. I'm sure my current phone is on it's last days. I just keep plugging along with it until it dies on me. We spent $650 for DH's new phone last year and I'm still paying it off at $27.08 a month for 24 months (14 months to go). A new cell phone on the company plan would save me the cost of a new phone and $20 a month I pay for my line on my personal cell phone plan (I would not need 2 cell phones at all). I'd still have to pay the $35/mo data plan (we are on smallest plan offered) and DH's line and phone (until it's paid off).

Well, she must have meant something by it. She's not the type to throw something out there and not follow through with it. Guess I'll wait and see!

So, my large Kohl's purchase just earned me another $30 in Kohl's yes to you rewards cash. I forgot that would get earned too. That basically brings DH's gift down another $ if I could just get the $12 in Swagbucks I was supposed to get...  I don't even know what to buy with the $30 (I have 30 days to use it). We already did our Kohl's shopping trip and I spent my Kohl's cash I had. I really don't want to make another trip there, but to get free shipping you have to spend $75, which I don't really want to do. I've been looking through their clearance items - trying to see if there is something for the home I want. Some of our towels are getting pretty old. Maybe I'll just buy a few to replace some we have.


  1. A free phone and plan would be a huge savings for you! Fingers crossed your boss comes through with it! I'm still bummed that my company phone was taken away after last season. Since my job is done primarily from home and I do make and take a lot of calls, I may ask for either a stipend or a raise to make up for it this coming season.

    I always had trouble using my Kohls cash. I guess I just don't like spending money, even if it isn't coming out of my pocket. Lol

    1. Shipping is $8.95. I was hoping I could use some of the Kohl's cash towards shipping, but you cannot.

  2. I like the concept of Kohl's cash but the dates to use it are never convenient and don't coincide with my shopping (or non-shopping) habits.
    Hope you get a new phone.

    1. I agree, but at least with the Yes2You rewards they do give you 30 days to use, vs the Kohl's cash earned the other way. I don't shop often enough for that kind of stuff to warrant figuring out what to buy. LOL

  3. You could use the Kohl's cash for gifts on clearance or marked down. ??? Having to spend another $75 is not cool, especially if it is far away or not near your other shopping. I would not like a phone that someone else gave me. All my calls to anywhere could be found. Who I call is my business. I have to be in control of my records. If you are given a new phone, you could put that money you save somewhere so you could buy a new phone when you must without having to go into debt for it.

    1. I've thought of that too. Been looking thru the clearance stuff online. I'll probably just spend the $30 and pay the shipping. I'm not really worried about a cell phone from my employer (if that even is what boss is thinking). I have nothing to hide on who I call or text. About the only person I talk to on my cell is my mom and the rest is work calls. A little texting. I've worked there almost 13 years. They aren't spying on employee's phone records. It's all recorded somewhere by the gov't anyway LOL.

    2. I wanted a new iPhone. I had a 5s and the Verizon data plane with 2 gig. I went to Costco and decided to bite the bullit and get a new iPhone 8 for 699.00. The sales person said it would be $24.99 a month for the phone but that they would give me the free accessory pack and $100.00 credit on my bill. I said OK. She checked my plan and said that the cost of my plan had come down $20.00 a month. The lower cost per month and the $100.00 credit meant that my phone is free. Sometimes it pays to check your plan. I hope you have good luck like that.

      cost plus the $100.00 credit meant that my new phone basically was free.

    3. I did get that $20 per month reduction for each of our phones a little over a year ago (when our 2 year contract was up). While I'd love a new phone it's a want not a need for now. So unless my boss offers to pay for one, I'll keep using this phone for as long as it will last :)
