Monday, May 15, 2017

Weekend activities

It was a busy weekend, but still relaxing at the same time. I worked half a day on Friday, but was still hanging around with my phone on me and checking my emails because the IT guy at my side job was still working on getting me hooked up. Still not quite there - at least I now can remote into a desktop....but they haven't figured out where the accounting program is located....(I'm shaking my head LOL)

So, I didn't get my vacuuming done because I was afraid he'd call again and I'd miss it. Then we went out to dinner with our neighbors who live across from us. Very fun and good food. Lots of easy conversation. After dinner they drove us around the area we were at a bit.

Saturday morning I headed out first thing to the city to get all my annual flowers. I went to Lowe's and was getting plants but pretty disappointed in their quality, so I probably only got about half what I needed and then went over to Home Depot, where they had much more and much better quality. I knew the Lowes flowers would be fine once I got them planted and picked off the dead blooms, but it just wasn't filling me with "joy" to pick out pretty flowers when they looked so crappy!  I also got 2 metal trellis's and some clematis, as well as 2 big bags of potting soil. We planted those on the end of our shop out back, next to where we put the picnic table. Might pretty up the metal shop just a bit, haha.

I also stopped at Target to get my prescription and a few dog treats, toilet paper, etc.  Then I went to the grocery store next door and did some grocery shopping, mostly for meats, pop and water.  I forgot my bags for the frozen/cold foods, so I had to pick up a couple more. Oh  well. I had a loaded car heading home around noon.

When I pulled in DH was out on the porch waiting for me, so we could start planting flowers. A couple/few hours later we were done. I was short a few flowers (it's always an estimate, plus this is a whole new planting space for me). The little grocery store in town has a tent with some flowers and veggie plants so I ran over there and picked up a few more petunias, trailing lobelia, and a geranium to finish the last 2 pots.

After dinner on Saturday (I was pooped so we just had soup and sandwiches) we decided to take a drive to see if we could see any of the elk that usually hang out in this field about 8 miles from us. Didn't see any elk, but ended up driving up into the hills and saw some deer. Kept driving up and up about 5 miles (again those dang narrow winding logging roads!) until we got to this view

A nice way to end the day, that's for sure.

Sunday we were expecting some friends to stop by on their way home to the other side of the state, but weren't for sure what time. I got the house cleaned in the morning. Talked to DD on the phone and then friends called and said they'd be here about 2pm or so. We also had the guy that owns the vacant lots in our little subdivision stopping by at 3pm to discuss the renter neighbor issue. He was in town visiting his parents. So, since we were double booked, DH talked to the guy in our dining room, while I visited with the friend in our living room. The guy was here about a half our or so and after he left we took our friends out to dinner and then they headed home, with about a 5 1/2 hour drive ahead of them.

DH kind of got the "back story" as to why this guy hadn't really tried to team up with our previous house owners in taking care of this renter issue - because for them it wasn't just only all the junk vehicles and parts, it was also constant noise late at night (pretty much the only time the renter is home) with grinders running at 2am, etc. Apparently when this guy did up this development he kinda got in a "partnership" with the guy that had our house, who was a home builder. He built the house next door and they sold it to this lady. Then he built this house. He had a loan for the construction and owed this developer for the lot. He then filed bankruptcy and never sold the house, ended up living in it these past 8 years. So, this developer never got his money until this house got sold to us, as he had a lien on it for what was owed to him for the property. So, he wasn't real inclined to help these folks out any, after all that they went through and he never got his money for almost 10 years.

He's now ready to take this on, it seems. He wants to try and get these properties sold and a junky house probably isn't helping him any. He noticed the renter guy had parked one of his trailers on his lot....but also noticed the renter moved the property stake over, so that it looked like he wasn't parked on this guys property! I would have moved it back if I was him, LOL.  He also took some pictures as he was driving away.

After we got back home from dinner we relaxed and watched the movie Sully with Tom Hanks. All in all a good weekend.


  1. Hopefully with multiple people on board the renter issue will be cleared up and you can have some uninterrupted sleep finally!

    1. He's been very quiet since the deputy called him. We are hoping the lady that owns the house will take care of it on her own, rather than having to go a legal route. I sure would if I were her. DH mentioned to our other neighbors that his intent wasn't to get her to get rid of them, because you never know what you'll get in there next, but I said hopefully she'd be a little pickier and the other neighbor wife said she knows a couple who would rent it in a minute. Older, no kids.

  2. This is a random place to ask, but I think I saw on someone else's blog that you used some spray to treat your yard for ants and it worked really well? Would you mind sharing what it is? We are getting desperate at our house!!

    1. yes, that was me. It's this stuff:

      We have been using this 2-3 years now (same stuff our pest control company used) and it works great. That quart size for $36 lasts us about a year. DH just sprays (uses a garden gallon sprayer) around the perimeter of our house and outbuildings once a month.

  3. It sounds as if your solution to the problems will be coming soon. This must be such a relief to you.

    1. it is a relief, even with what they have cleaned up so far and they seem to have stopped their purposely trying to be annoying.

  4. Beautiful view! Do you get moose out there?

    1. Apparently there are, but we haven't seen one yet. DH was up on the logging roads again yesterday with his new friend/neighbor across street and he showed him a moose hoof print and moose poop! Huge. The poop is as big as charcoal briquettes LOL

    2. We see them from time to time where we live. These animals are huge, which no doubt accounts for their large poo! lol
