Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Covenants issue update

We were finally able to get a phone number for the lady that owns the house next door.  I know DH has been stressing over all this. He had a nice talk with her this morning and now he feels much better (me too!). Finding her number was a job! The two numbers we found were disconnected. I kept trying google searches and found where she possibly worked, but did not really want to call her at work. We knew her mom lives here in town and worked for one of the town services companies. DH didn't really want to call her to ask for her number, but we finally had no other option, as we just could not find a number. Called up here in town where her mom works (she would have been the one to answer the phone) and was told she just retired and the guy gave DH her home number. She was very nice to him and they actually had quite a long conversation about it. She says all that stuff the renters have on the property has got to go. DH asked for her daughter's number or to please pass on our number for her to call us. She gladly gave us her numbers (both cell and work). She also said she drives by our street on her way to visit her father in the nursing home and just doesn't bother to look down the street at the house anymore, because it was bothering her to look at it's condition. Apparently the renters were telling her (and others) that the new people next door were like them (into racing) and they had a lot in common with us. The mom said her thought was "you mean they like "junk" too?" DH laughed and said NO, we do not have anything in common with them. Yes, we do have some racing stuff, but it is all inside our shop and would NEVER be stored out, being an eyesore to neighbors. We do have a small flatbed car trailer in back, parked up next to our shop, where is should be. We only have one vehicle we park in the driveway and apparently, according to the renters, if we don't want their  kids to damage it anymore, we should park it in our garage. She was like OMG.

Once DH gets to talking (and he feels comfortable) he can talk and talk, so I jumped in the shower. When I got out he was then talking to her daughter, the house owner. It all went well. She was very receptive and nice and said she has told them before they need to get all that stuff off the property. DH also told her that when he looked at the house, none of that junk was there and when we moved in a month later it was there and more just keeps being added. He told her what the renter said about moving the stuff out, for our previous owner, so we wouldn't see it when we looked at the house. She was like "oh.....that's not right". So apparently, she wasn't aware that happened. She lives 2 hours away, so isn't seeing it on a regular basis. (and most likely, if no one's complaining, then might as well not deal with it). She said she will definitely get this taken care of. She had hoped to have her mom live in the house, but mom doesn't want that, so it's been renters. She then said she should probably just sell the house, since her mom doesn't want it. She also said to DH that she would not want to live next door to that, either. DH said, well, that's good to hear and if you can look at it from that perspective, then this should be a pretty easy fix.

Hopefully we aren't just getting our hopes up for nothing, but at least we first tried talking to the home owner. Oh - and the wife/renter must have found a job and they apparently moved in some girl, with a baby and a toddler, to also live with them, last night! Good grief. She showed up (parked in the street, of course) and proceeded to unpack her SUV, bags, boxes, playpen, vacuum cleaner, the works. I'm assuming she's probably now the live in babysitter. So 4 adults and 4 kids now living in that small house. DH didn't mention anything to the house owner about that. Just stuck to the covenants/junk vehicles and parts issue. Though her parking overnight on the street isn't allowed. Right now with just 2 of the 8 houses here on this street it's not a huge deal, you can drive on the other side of the street to get around the car (now cars) they have parked there, but can you imagine if the other houses were in and everyone did that? There would literally be no way to drive down this street. Hence, the covenant rule.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens. The house owner was even nice to say that when she confronted them about removing all the excess stuff she was just going to tell them she was in town visiting her mom and drove by the house, rather than telling them we complained. If nothing gets done we at least tried to talk to her first and then will go the route of getting an attorney and we also have the developer, who said he is going to work on the issue too and seemed more than willing to involve his attorney, if he has too.


  1. I know there are people that don't like HOAs or covenants, but it is for reasons like what you are dealing with that I actually do like them. My thoughts are if you don't like the rules, don't buy/live in the property that has them! Glad you seem to have made some progress. Good detective work with getting the phone number!

    1. Exactly my thoughts. If you don't want to live where there are covenants or abide by them, then live somewhere else where there aren't any. There are stronger covenants for the property we bought - and we specifically made sure there were some like that! We want to build somewhere were our property values and lifestyle were protected. The couple that already built there have a BEAUTIFUL home (like $700k). Covenants are no manuf. homes, house must be a min. size sq ft, etc. Obviously, someone wouldn't want to build a very nice home like that and have dumps living next door.

    2. That is exactly why we chose an acreage neighborhood with some restrictions like yours - no manuf/mobile homes, min. sq ft., and some restrictions on clearing. It makes for a much nicer living arrangement.

  2. While these neighbours seem better than your last lot, you really don't have much luck as neighbours go do you. Good luck though. Anna

    1. We sure don't! this little town is majority retired folks, our luck we couldn't have a nice, quiet retired couple as our neighbors LOL. They are definitely not even in the same league as where we used to live, so at least there is that.

  3. That's a lot of kids when the original ones don't mind using your yard as theirs. I would pointedly tell the children not to ever come in my yard again and remind them and parents that the parents can be held liable to damages to your car and property.

    1. yes, it's making us even more nervous. When DH was talking with the house owner's mother yesterday, she was even like "there's playground just down the street they can use!"
