Sunday, May 21, 2017

The flower photo :)

Look! I got a "the photo" of the flowers I sent my mom. LOL.

Very pretty! (they were FTD, and I will definitely use them again). She got the flowers on a Friday and the buds weren't open yet, then she was gone from Saturday until like Monday or Tuesday, so this photo was taken on Tuesday. DD got "messenger" installed on her ipad. I told her to try the password with the first letter capitalized, and that worked. DD showed her how to send a message and I sent one back so she could see what a notification looked like. DD later said to me that she's pretty sure Grandma really didn't get it. It's like she wants to learn, but when you start to show her the steps, she's just like not truly paying attention and doesn't want to take the time. She also showed her how/where to make a post on Facebook (which I don't think she's ever done - other than one time by accident. She said happy birthday to someone but posted it on her own wall.  BUT, I did see that last evening she actually made a comment on a post my step sister made thanking everyone for birthday wishes. Progress!


  1. Consider yourself lucky! At least she is willing to kinda learn!

  2. Such pretty flowers. You chose well!
