Monday, May 22, 2017


I'm sick and tired of family right now, so not in the best of moods. Plus, now I'm trying to get caught up on my side job. Finally got fully up and running again Friday took them 3 weeks to figure this out! Did I mention they ("they" is the new IT company my side job company hired could not find the Quickbooks program or company file. So, the IT guy installed the most recent version and since they apparently couldn't find the working file (the one that saves the new data to, each time you use QB) we had to go off of an old backup I did back in February, when I had to send the CPA a file for year end.  The only time I ever do a backup file is when I need to send one to the CPA. They were supposed to be backing this all up on their server nightSo now I have to re-enter/re-create everything since February.  I'm not a happy camper about that either.

Just crawling back in bed for the day sounds like a good plan. Wish I could!


  1. I would not be happy about having to recreate that data, either. Very not happy! I'm sorry that their mess is creating more work for you.

    1. no, not very happy indeed! Then I got a pop up message that the remote log in they set me up with was a temporary 14 day free now I've had to email back about what to do when that expires. Geeesh.

  2. I am sorry to hear that. I hope you had penalty clauses and SLAs in your contract so that you can "hurt" them a little. Take care!

    1. I'm thinking I might have to charge a little extra this month. I'm sure I'm going to end up with a lot more time in than normal.
