Saturday, May 27, 2017

Flea market fun

We had a fun day. Went to the big flea market that is going on this weekend in a neighboring town. We went fairly early (before 10am) so it wasn't too crowded yet, but was sure getting that way when we left a couple hours later. Lots of booths ('d say over 100) and we enjoyed looking at everything. We each bought a couple of things and a gift for our daughter.  DH bought a couple of antique things - an old grinder that was just like his mom used to use when he was a kid and she had him grind up peanuts for this dessert she used to make. And he bought an old wooden pulley. I bought a metal rooster bell and a metal rooster for the yard (ok, I am officially done buying anymore rooster stuff!). We bought our DD a wood wine bottle holder that also holds (and came with) 2 wine glasses.

We saw lots of other stuff we really liked, but they cost in the hundreds, so that wasn't in our budget right now. We both had cash in our wallets and I spent $45 and DH spent $40 and the gift for DD was $15. It was nice 70 degree weather and just right for walking around. Surprisingly DH really enjoyed it, he was surprised himself. In the old days that is not anything he would have enjoyed going to me with.  We stopped at the little burger stand and got a burger and milkshakes for lunch and then drove the back roads home. Saw a sign for an antique store, so we stopped in there too. Nice little store and both of us really liked the antique wall telephone (I can't remember now how much it was, but too much for me right now) and outside on her porch she had this antique cast iron pot bellied stove. It was $300, which for that I didn't think was a bad price (again, just not something I have room for right now or want to spend that kind of money on right now) but thought it would look really cool on our covered patio when we build our house.

We were both tired when we got home and took naps.  I've just been reading a good book this weekend "Tell The Wolves I'm Home". Hard to put down. I'm sure I'll finish it this weekend.  DH might go up into the woods with a friend on Monday and help him cut some firewood.


  1. Love flea markets! So great that your husband enjoyed it!

    1. Hopefully we can start making an annual visit out of it :)

  2. Love going to things like flea markets and some good yard sales. Sounds like fun. Enjoy your book. I've got several going but can't seem to get off the computer to read them. lol Have a good week ahead.

    1. I tried starting the next book club book, but I just cannot get into it. Just not my cup of tea. I'm thinking I might just forget this month and not go in June. Lots of people in the book club don't go every month.
