Thursday, May 11, 2017

Crummy work day

I had a phone chat with my boss after I emailed her to ask for details on the company meeting that was held last week. She called me up to give me the scoop. Pretty much what I figured it was about.

Anyhow - good news on the bonus program. They decided to tweak it a bit and do just as I had hoped - base it on the fact that even though gross sales are not at goal, the actual income to the company is on target. If we meet that by end of June we will get 5% of the 15% paid out at that time. If by the end of the year we have met both, we will get the additional 10% paid, or if it's just meeting the income goal, it will be another 5%.  Like I said, they are fair and generous guys, so this doesn't surprise me. Hopefully we can meet this revised goal!

Other than that work has been very frustrating today. I still cannot access my side job remotely. So ridiculous. This morning their IT guy emailed me a "temporary" fix, but I can't get that to work either, so now he's supposed to call me this much ya wanna bet he doesn't call?

Ok, so while I was working on something this IT guy suddenly remotes into my computer! He had me download something yesterday so he could remote in. I assumed once he disconnected we were disconnected unless I gave him permission again - apparently not. After he was done I looked at my emails and see right before he remoted into my computer he sent an email telling me he was ready to remote in and forgot my ph#....So, in the middle of the night him (or someone from his company) could just log into my computer any old time they want to? Um...ya. NO!  I don't even know what this program is (nothing I've ever used when someone is remoting into my computer) called Autotask Endpoint Manager (AEM). I right clicked on it and there is a setting called "privacy mode" that I now have enabled. I googled the program and the privacy mode setting and from what it says if he wants to access my computer again from now on he'd have to request my permission. I hope so. This has me a tad freaked out.

I sent him an email with my ph#, if he needs to call and he emailed back that the temporary fix they had come up with for me to log in isn't going to work, so they are going to have to figure something else out. How hard is it to set up remote access, for goodness sake?!! I've been doing it no problems for 7 years and suddenly it doesn't work anymore? I emailed the guy at my side job office, who sorta takes care of the computer system to let him know what has been going on and that I'm now almost 2 weeks without being able to do any work for them. Hopefully he'll get on this IT company's tail to get this fixed.

Then while I was on the phone with my boss I revisited the online bill pay that I wanted to sign up for, that I had tried just before she went on vacation a few weeks ago, but it needed owner info that I didn't have. I had her on the phone while I enrolled for it online and she was able to answer the security questions. A message then popped up that said I had successfully enrolled and would be receiving an email. (I had used my email address for this very reason). I never got an email and it wasn't in my spam or quarantined mail. I tried to go ahead and log in with the user id and 8 digit pin I had to chose during enrollment and no luck. Finally I called the support number.....

Transferred 4 times. The 4th time was to tech support and the call disconnected during transfer so I had to call again. Finally get someone in tech support. She asks me the same questions to verify who I am/our company, bank account used to set up, etc. (I had already given this 3 other times). Then she tells me "oh, I can't talk to you - I have to talk to the person who's name was used for the enrollment" OMG. I said well she's an owner of the company and doesn't really use Quickbooks so she's not going to be able to figure out what I need answered for using your Bill Pay system! So, now my boss has to call in (and answer all the same questions I've answered 4 times now) and tell them to add me as a "co-subscriber" and then I can call back and talk to them. Good grief.

Not a very good work day!


  1. No word on yr review? Bummer...

    1. nope :( I'm pretty much resigned it's not happening. half the year is almost over and I did up my self review (part of our review process) at the end of January. All the raises were processed between Feb 1 and by the end of March.

  2. Just reading this made me want to pull out my hair...and maybe someone else's hair, too.

    1. Me too - and neither are resolved still yet :(

  3. I wouldn't like having someone access my computer. Glad you figured out a way to add privacy.

    1. when I was just on my computer working away and all of a sudden he's in my computer with no notice! (well he emailed but I hadn't read the email yet) - Geez!
