Monday, August 1, 2016

What are the odds?

So, our closing date on our house is less than 4 weeks away. We are still looking for somewhere to live. The little house we had found for sale in the small town had suddenly gotten an offer on it (after 440 days on the market) but when our agent checked into it some more (he had already asked the listing agent some questions about it a few weeks earlier) he was told the offer wasn't very strong and he wasn't very confident it would go through, so feel free to show it to us, they were accepting back up offers. Then we found another house we liked, more money, but much newer and nicer.

So we headed over there on Friday to view both houses (both are unoccupied). This second house has been on the market for a year. We went to the other house first and were disappointed in the condition. Not near as ok as the photos looked. An unfinished basement that smelled terribly of dampness, which made it also smell some upstairs. Lots of work would need to be done to this little old place.

The second house was very nice and kept up, built in the 80's.  The only thing wrong with it was the living/dining room carpet needed to be replaced (plus it was blue - ugh) and the garage would need to be insulated and heated for DH's stuff to store. Not a huge deal. On Saturday our agent emailed the listing agent that we looked at both and were considering the second house, how firm were they on their price and he replied they had just lowered it (again) and were firm. We then had our agent email him a couple of questions about the house. He hadn't heard back yet.

Yesterday I was sending my mom the zillow link to the house and she calls me up that she can only see one picture. I got online and realized the house was now showing as "off market". Then I went to the MLS link our agent had sent me last week and it was now showing as "pending". What the heck?!!

Our agent said it appears it is now under contract. He said he was very confused and frustrated, as he had just emailed the listing agent the evening before and he said nothing about a possible offer. Why wouldn't that listing agent tell our agent another offer is coming/or has come so that the owners of the house could potentially get more than one offer?

Seems mighty suspicious to me. The first house was on the market for 440 days and as soon as our agent started asking some questions on it, it suddenly is under contract. Then we look at this second house, show some interest and suddenly, after a year on the market, it now has an offer.

There isn't a lot available in this small area. At this point we think we are just going to borrow the one friends nice RV he offered, stay in it at the other friends (they have 14 acres, lots of room) for awhile, until we can either find something to buy or rent. It will be much easier to go look at places when we are actually living there and not hundreds of miles away trying to figure this out.

At this point I don't even care anymore, haha.  Who knows - we still haven't even had the FHA inspection/appraisal on our place yet. Could still all fall through again, anyway.

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