Friday, August 19, 2016

Partial update

Still no word yet (so much for 24 hours, eh?). Still no answer from my agent on my (repeated) question of whether or not the buyer is still trying to work on conventional financing, if the underwriter still says no on the FHA loan.

So, last night I texted the buyer. Asked her to let me know if she hears anything because my agent is out of the country and probably won't get me the message right away. Then I went ahead and asked her if she was still working on trying for a conventional loan if this FHA falls through. She is not. She said she does not qualify because she had a short sale almost 4 years ago, and is not past that time for it not to be considered.  Poor lady, she said she is so stressed she can't eat or sleep. I said we have the same thing going on on our end, except it feels double because we are trying to sell and buy at same time. It's no fun.

Well, at least now I know. I'll bet my agent has already known this info......

Hopefully we will hear today and not have to spend another weekend with no answer.


  1. I think it's great that you reached out to the buyer yourself but I'm pretty sure that your realtor isn't going to like that! LOL
    Personally, if this sale doesn't work out and you are back to square one (which I hope to God doesn't happen!), I think you need to fire this realtor. She seems to be withholding information and dropping the ball A LOT!
    Good luck! I'm hoping everything will work out and you can put this behind you next week!!!

    1. The buyer is a really nice lady. She's the one who gave us her cell# and email. She's contacted us a few times to ask some questions on the house and we've been working out a deal on her buying some of our furniture. She's the one who called me last Friday and told me FHA didn't want to approve the water well system.

      At this point I could care less what my agent thinks. She gave me no update at all yesterday and have not heard from her today. If this falls through, we are definitely done with her.

  2. YES! I agree - if this sale doesn't go through, FIND A NEW REALTOR who knows how to communicate with you!! This one just leaves you hanging waaaaaaaay too often for someone who is working for YOU!! :-(

    Still hoping somehow this ends up working out for you...

    1. I agree. sitting here waiting is feeling like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop :/. Just want to know one way or the other

  3. and I don't even know how/where to start looking for a new one! I am apparently a very bad judge of people! I always seem to pick crappy people to do stuff for me :/
    I thought she was really a go-getter because she had such a huge positive attitude, but it appears to just be her cover up for not doing a good job.

  4. Ask for references from friends or coworkers who live in the area. When I was selling my first house my realtor was terrible so then I switched and went with one recommended by a coworker and my house sold within two months because she priced it right and gave me tips to make it look more marketable, stuff the first realtor didn't do.
