Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Glad I felt "pushy" today

My pressing to find out an update got my agent a reply from the lender with a big story of how (2 days later) it's still sitting on her processor's desk and hasn't even been submitted to underwriting for re-review yet, because she is swamped, etc. She then said once it does get submitted they are supposed to have an answer in 24 hours.

I finally at least got my agent to tell me that buyer has until our closing date next Thursday to obtain financing (I figured, but wanted clarification). She still won't answer me if the buyer is still trying to obtain a conventional loan (as we were told) as a back up plan, if UW still comes back with a no on the FHA loan. She still won't answer me, that if buyer does have to change to a conventional loan, how long (I'm  just asking for a reasonable estimate) will take to now close.

And then when I replied to my agent's email I suddenly got her "out of office" notification that she is out of the country until Sunday, can't take phone calls, so can only do email at this time.  Nice....we're in a crisis and she's out of the country.

Then I just now got another email she forwarded to me from lender, that the file did just now get submitted to underwriting. So, let's hope it's an answer in 24 hours, like she said. I'd just like to know one way or the other, at this point, so we can move on with our decisions.

1 comment:

  1. I have my fingers crossed for you. I hope this all works out soon!
