Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How long?

I woke up this morning in a fair mood. Trying to look at at least some of the positive in all this....our sale hadn't fallen through completely yet, right?

But, as the day has progressed and no answer, I'm getting pissy-er and pissy-er (I don't know how to spell it, since it's not even a word LOL). I just sent my agent a pretty bitchy email.  Usually I'm not like this (except in my head - ha!), but I am tired of this crap.

at what point in this should we expect an answer?

- we have an offer made that has a closing, that we need to be able to keep apprised, if our sale going to fail

- we have a trip planned to go over there this weekend to take care of some business - it's costly to make the trip, and an unnecessary expense for us, if our sale is going to fail

- we need to order our appraisal for the property we are purchasing. If our sale fails, we are then out that money. as we will have to back out of our offer.

- we have a moving van reserved for end of next week

- we have a trucking company who we've scheduled to move our 53ft loaded trailer out of state

the list goes on.

If the buyer cannot get FHA approved on the well, is she currently still actively pursuing getting a prompt answer on the conventional loan approval? So, if the FHA answer is no, we aren't waiting more days to get the conventional loan answer.

If the FHA answer is no, and she can get approved for a conventional loan, what is a realistic time frame we are looking at to close? Obviously, it's not going to be next Thursday. It's a whole new loan, along with a co-borrower, which obviously, now their financial info will have to go through the verification process.

it's now day 6 since our buyer was told about the FHA financing not working and 8 days from when we are supposed to close. How much longer are we expected to wait for a decision? Days? weeks?

Too much? oh well, I really don't care anymore. She sent me back a vague email, answering absolutely none of my questions.



  1. Just remember that you realtor has to talk to the buyer's realtor who then has to talk to the buyer. So even if your realtor did everything in her power she still might not have any answers for you. Doesn't sound like she's telling you that though in her responses to you.

    1. no, she just gives me vague responses that says "I have requested an update". I'm also the one who has to keep asking her to get an update.But she can answer some of the questions, which when pressed she finally did. Buyer has until closing date next Thursday to obtain financing. We are under no more obligation with this sale (or our agent for that matter) after that. She should also be able to give me an idea of how long closing would have to be extended if buyer has to go conventional with a new loan.

  2. Honestly, I can't believe the trouble this whole house selling business has been for you! What awful luck to have problems with TWO buyers. Hoping that things go well and you can be close to settled with this mess next Thursday!
    I'm sorry that your realtor isn't giving you the attention/responses that you deserve. Just a thought....You mentioned that you are no longer under any obligation to use her (I'm assuming her contract ran out). Do you think she is trying to help work "behind the scenes" and is being vague so she doesn't completely lose her commission? Maybe she is trying to put more heat under the buyer and her realtor than she lets on? Or maybe I'm just giving her too much credit....

    1. My understanding of how it works with the agent is technically our contract with her ended July 27th, but we had this buy/sell offer in place prior to that so have her until this sale is done (either done or failed). At that point we are no longer under any obligation to keep using her. I honestly don't know what she is doing. Not trying to do what's best for us, that's for sure. On Monday she was told by buyers lender that they were 99% sure it would not go FHA. The buyer's chance at a conventional loan sounded pretty darn iffy, since she was going to have to try to get her parents as co-borrowers. Shouldn't it have been advised to us at that point to put house back on market as accepting back up offers?

    2. I agree that she wasn't (I read you most recent post) and probably still isn't doing what's best for you! And, yes, you would think she would tell you to put it back on the market and try to accept backup offers. It took us a very long time to find our house and we had 5 different realtors helping us....the first 2 were scummy, the next 2 were absolutely clueless, and then finally we found a seasoned person that knew what she was doing! But, we also looked for a house (off and on) for almost FIVE YEARS!
      Hoping all this ends positively for you very very soon!!!!

  3. I just cannot believe this nightmare!

    1. if I wasn't living it, I wouldn't believe it either! just crazy.

  4. That e-mail was not bitchy at all. You had every reason to be frustrated and you need answers. Your Agent seems to be doing a pretty lousy job. It is her responsibility to do the pushing and feeding you with information in every step of the way. That is how she deserves her pay. I am sending good vibes your way...

    1. maybe it felt bitchy to me because I was not in a good mood when I wrote it. My DD said she didn't think it was too harsh either. I just think I felt in my head like I was yelling it as I was typing. LOL

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