Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday chores

The weather is warming up, so this weekend has become yard maintenance weekend. I went this morning and picked up weed and feed w/moss control and some ortho weed killer spray stuff. DH talked to his friend who is very lawn savvy and I got exactly what he said to get and DH is applying it exactly how he said to.  Last summers drought really killed some areas of our lawn and it never came back after the rains started again in Fall. We'll probably have to add some overseed to the bare areas, too.

Part of our issue with weeds is because of our good neighbor. He has a lawn.....sort of. Bascially it's grass with a bunch of weeds. In the 25 years he has lived there he has NEVER once applied weed killer and I'll bet DH has mowed his lawn more times than he has! No matter how much we weed and feed our lawn,  his weeds blow over and infect our lawn. Honestly, it would be better if he didn't even have a lawn, really, since he doesn't take care of it. That's kind of why DH tries to mow his lawn - to try and keep the dandelions cut down before they go to seed. Well, I happened to buy a huge gallon of concentrate (only size in stock) and it will be enough for 2 yards. So, DH said when good neighbor goes to work on Monday, he's going over there and spraying his lawn and just not telling him! LOL. Good neighbor will end up with this better lawn and not know what happened LOL.  This morning good neighbor actually got himself out of his house and spent about a half hour trimming his little apple trees a bit....and then he just left the little branches on the ground below the tree. And that's where they will stay.  I don't get it. Hopefully our lawn will start showing some signs of returning to a nice lawn in time for listing for sale in a month or so.

I see a few rhody's out and about, while driving around, are starting to bloom already, so our azalea's should bloom soon. For whatever reason, our rhody's always bloom late spring. At least the yard should have some color by then. I might have to just plant pansies and whatever is available at the garden centers in all my flower pots. The petunia's and the rest might not be available yet when we list for sale.

Tonight is the political fundraiser we are going to. I don't even know what to wear. It's just hor'dourves and beverages and it's at a gun range/sportsman's club place, so nothing too fancy. I was hoping to get by with nice jeans, a nice top and boots, but DH will probably end up wanting to wear his khaki's, so then I'll feel like I have to wear dress slacks.

Looking forward to sunny, almost 70 degree weather next week :)


  1. Your jeans and boots would be just fine with his khakis.
    Unfortunately my 2 cents is probably several hours too late.
    Hope you are having a good time or at least they have some good food.
    Oh well...

    1. We both wore jeans. Some were dressed up, some in jeans. The food wasn't too bad - the meatballs were good :)
