Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Getting ready

Today is payday. I adjusted my withholding's, so my net paycheck is about the same as it was before my raise, about $10 less. Hopefully that will take care of any extra taxes that will be owed when I file next year, with one less dependent.

One more paycheck and two accounts will be paid off. One is my Care Credit account - paying off  dental work I had done (6 months no interest) and the other is a charge  we put on Pay Pal Credit (again 6 months no interest). Between those 2 payments that have been going out, I'll have an extra $280 a month in my budget. Woo! My latest round of dental expenses (finishing up tomorrow) came out of my flexible spending account, so I didn't have to charge it or take out of savings.

The only other things I charge are a little here and there on my store cards, just to use them for credit building purposes, but then pay in full the next month. The only other thing I have pending is a $60 charge on my Target card.

Still no news on my work anniversary inquiry, other than the email back that she forgot it was last year and though it was this year. I'm sure she's waiting for the owners to let her know what they want to do. I thought two other's have 10 year anniversaries coming up soon, but looked on the payroll records and actually both of them just passed their anniversaries earlier this year. Nothing was done for them, either.  The guy who is having is 20 year anniversary just got a company wide email sent out congratulating him (along with the bonus check he is getting). I expected at least that email acknowledgement and at minimum a gift certificate to a restaurant or something. Actually, for all these years I was expecting a trip to Hawaii, like everyone else got.  Oh well..........

We leave tomorrow afternoon for our little trip. Yesterday I picked up some tire chains for my car, just in case, as we will have to drive over a couple of mountain passes. We have a few houses a realtor is going to show us. From the emails I have had with him he seems really nice and quite on the ball. I looked him up on the website of the real estate company he works for. He's dang cute too. LOL. 

I hate this time of year for my allergies. I cannot cough. If I start coughing I start gagging and that can lead to throwing up, which it just did this morning.  UGH. Thankfully all's I had in my stomach was a cup of coffee. I don't know why, but in recent years, if I start coughing it triggers my gag reflex.

I've decided to only work a half a day tomorrow. I was going to work until 3pm, when is about when we are leaving, but just have too many things to do. Still need to get the 2 rooms taped off, so DD can paint and I have to run over to the dentist at 1:30 to get my permanent crown put on. Then swing by Subway to pick up some sandwiches for dinner on the drive. That way we don't have to stop somewhere and will be cheaper than stopping at a restaurant. We have made a reservation the first night at a little hotel in a little town. It has good reviews and it's only $61 for the night. I'm sure we'll survive it. LOL. Not sure what we are doing the other nights, but probably staying at our friends place at least one of the nights.