Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mid week update

We have welcomed the sun and warm weather this week :)  The moss killer (in the weed and feed) DH applied on Saturday morning has already killed the moss. Hopefully the bare spots will fill in some now.

I finally heard back from my mortgage lady yesterday. As I thought, she had been on Spring Break with her family. I just needed some clarifications on how this construction loan process works and now I'm up to speed (for the most part - ha!). We just weren't sure what, if any, documents we needed to supply the bank prior to us making an offer on the land. None, really. She said we make an offer contingent on a couple of things. 1) selling our home (of course) and 2) time allowed for our contractor to get the plan specs/cost estimate package done and submitted to our lender and then approved. How long that part takes depends on how quickly the contractor gets it done, but once that is done, she said it takes 45 days for the bank to process the construction loan and close out on the purchase of the land and then the construction process can begin. Obviously the contractor package can be worked on by the contractor concurrent with while we are trying to sell our house.

She also said that the bank wants to know nothing about the homeowner doing some of the "sweat equity" work to build the home. We can do it, but she said typically a builder, who is willing to let you do some of the work, will just put a nominal fee for the costs of the parts we would do.

I tried to call the lady that owns the lot, just to let her know we are still working on it, just got delayed with both our mortgage lady and realtor on vacation this past week. I had to leave her a message, but didn't hear back from her last night. Hopefully she and her partner will be agreeable to waiting on the construction package process. It's not like if they listed the property it would sell right away anyway. The other 2 lots have been for sale for almost 2 years! They know this too. They'd be smart to snag up our offer, I'd think. They also live in our area, so they know the real estate market is hot here, and hopefully we won't have much problem selling our place in a decent amount of time. Currently we just want to hear back from the builder, on the drawings DH sent him before we pull the trigger and make an offer.

DH and I have easily settled into who handles what in regards to all of this. I do the mortgage and realtor stuff, he does the builder stuff and figuring out how all our stuff will be moved/stored and what we will do while the house is being built. The current plan (similar to what our friends just did) is buy a used 48ft dry goods trailer, that we can resell when we are done with it, and make most of our money back, I'm sure. He's already started packing his shop stuff and even put it all on pallets. His good friend from the area we are moving too, was over here last weekend visiting family and he brought a flat bed trailer with him and took back with him some stuff he is storing for DH at his big place. DH gave him gas money, so he got to come visit family for free and we got some storage out of it :) The current plan is DH will find a camper/trailer to live in (with the dogs) on the property while the house is being built. I will stay here, with my mom. Not sure I want to do that for that long of time, but we'll see. We might end up finding something cheap over there to rent temporarily. I can't stay in a camper trailer and work from home every day.

So, one of our neighborhood PITA's is back in jail - the woman who lives with (off and on) her parents down the road. She violated her (now) court ordered no contact order plus she resisted arrest, so her bail got jacked up to $30k. Hopefully she'll stay there longer than 2 weeks this time. We also gave the police a couple of license plate #'s of cars that came down our street on Monday to that drug house. Turns out one is wanted (or maybe the car was stolen or both) but the deputy arrested the guy in the truck over at the other neighborhood last night. Yay us! The two boys (and the uncle) from that drug house are busy every night. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard to bust them. I'm so tired of waiting.

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