Friday, March 11, 2016

Just ask

I hate being pushy. I hate putting people "on the spot". But I just did.  My boss emailed me that she needed me to enter a check to be cut - $2000 for an employee who is having his 20th year anniversary with the company (and the actual date isn't even until next week). I had to email her back that the check was entered and ready for printing (I'm working from home today) so.........I added this:

speaking of anniversaries, did the company decide if they are still doing anything for 10 year anniversaries? :)

Mine was almost 6 months ago! We aren't a huge company (just under 50 employees) but everyone before me that had a 10 year anniversary got a trip to Hawaii for 2! It probably cost the company $3500. I know it was around $2000 for the condo rental (rented from our previous company owner), plus airfare and car rental. Then a couple people had 15 year anniversaries and got an extra week of vacation.  So a few years go by, with no big anniversaries and my 10 year comes and goes without a peep. Kinda ticked me off.  But I don't like to make waves or be pushy, so I just didn't say anything.

But, I couldn't not say anything this time. Or should I have just kept my mouth shut and waited it out - there are one or two others who are coming up on 10 years this year and see if anything was done for them?  Too late now. I did it. No reply back yet.


  1. I think the way you worded asking about the 10 year was perfect. I am curious to hear what her response is! My company used to celebrate 3 year anniversaries and they stopped just a few months before mine and came out with an official policy going forward.

    1. that is always what happens to me! Just before it's "my turn" they change the rules! Every.Single.Time. LOL

  2. Geez, you are much more patient than I would have been! lolz

    Usually HR handles this sort of thing, anniversary and incentives, or doesn't yours(or your company doesn't really have an HR dept.)?

    I hope your company makes this right and quickly.

    1. being kinda small we don't really have an HR dept - my boss is the "hr dept". We use an outside company for payroll and benefits (and bring them in occasionally if there is some big HR issue, which is rare).
